Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care



Leininger’s culture care theory as the organizing framework for a federal project on cultural com petence. He is dedicated to continued research and teaching on cultural competence in nursing and healthcare, and addressing cultural aspects of end-of-life advanced care planning responding to the needs of culturally diverse persons, especially African Americans. Dr. Collins previously served on Wolters Kluwer’s PrepU editorial board as a Bias Editor. His research with transcultural nurs ing collaborators on advanced care planning of African Americans is published in the Journal of Transcultural Nursing . Currently, as a Fellow of the Transcultural Nursing Society, Transcultural Nursing Scholars’ group (FTNSS), he serves as Treasurer. Dr. Patti Ludwig-Beymer, a transcultural nurse executive and nursing educator, is another esteemed editor of this ninth edition. She was influenced early in her career by an introduction to anthropology, followed by conference atten dance at Duquesne University with key nursing leaders, Watson and Leininger. What she discov ered as the missing link in nursing was culture. She hurried to the University of Utah in 1981 for her PhD but discovered that Dr. Leininger had moved on to the research scientist role at Wayne State University. Dr. Leininger, however, was never far from any nurse interested in the study of transcultural nursing. Patti was greatly supported through prayer and loving kindness by Dr. Leininger as she was pursuing motherhood, which unfolded for Patti with the birth of her daughter, Theresa. At the University of Utah, Patti discovered that she was a PhD classmate of Dr. Margaret Andrews and had the distinct honor to be educated by Dr. Joyceen Boyle, and the coedi tors of this book, the contents of which were dis cussed among these authors and a few others in the early 1980s. Patti used Leininger’s “Culture Care Diversity and Universality Theory” in many of her professional endeavors in nursing educa tion, administrative nursing, parish nursing, and staff nursing. She also contributed faithfully to the Transcultural Nursing Society in many lead ership roles and for many years was dedicated to

the TCN Scholars’ selection committee. Upon nursing in a large Chicago hospital, Patti became more aware of health disparities and the need for population health. She, with colleagues in the Chicago suburbs, established a Hispanic Community Center, named Genesis Center for Health and Empowerment for the community to address the Social (and Cultural) Determinants of Health. With her commitment to transcul tural nursing practice, Patti led interprofessional teams to improve and provide culturally congru ent care for persons with diabetes, asthma, and heart failure, and established key initiatives to improve immunizations and care for newborns, children, and adults. With this experience, Patti began to focus on creating culturally compe tent, complex healthcare organizations and has published widely on this subject. As an execu tive, she has always been guided in her practice by Transcultural Nursing, recognizing its impact on quality patient care and the care provided to nurses and other clinicians. As a faculty member, Dr. Ludwig-Beymer teaches executive nursing students. Major concepts and theories, includ ing the TIP Theory and Model essential to effec tive nursing practice, organizational culture, and population health, guide her teaching.

Joining Drs. Boyle, Collins, and Ludwig-Beymer for the ninth edition is Dr. Margaret (Marge) Andrews. Marge did not participate actively in the writing of the ninth edition; however, because of her past significant contributions as a coeditor of Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care , she is included among the lead editors listed on this edition. Dr. Andrews, who with Dr. Boyle and a select group of scholars, is the original creator of the dynamics of the text and a central coauthor of the first through eighth editions of the book, and the Transcultural Interprofessional theory and TIP Model. As an early transcultural/multi cultural sage, Dr. Andrews was a resolute inter national academic scholar and Pediatric Nurse Practitioner clinician working for 3 years in West Africa in the Igbo-dominated East Central State of Nigeria. Her early childhood experience under the care and love of her parents, and her African Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of the content is prohibited.

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