Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care



illustrate cultural concepts used in nursing prac tice. As the reader will learn throughout the text, distinct nursing care of diverse cultures is always based on the cultural assessment of the individ ual patient and their values, beliefs, and lifeways. Chapter 1 provides an overview of the theoreti cal foundations of transcultural nursing, and Chapter 2 introduces key concepts associated with cultural competence using the Andrews/ Boyle Transcultural Interprofessional Practice Model as the organizing framework. In Chapter 3, we discuss the domains of cultural knowledge that are important in cultural assessment and describe how this cultural information can be incorporated into all aspects of care. Chapter 4 provides a summary of the major cultural belief systems embraced by people of the world with special emphasis on their health-related and culturally based values, attitudes, beliefs, and practices. Part Two: Lifespan Chapters 5, 6, 7, and 8 use a developmental frame work to discuss transcultural concepts across the lifespan. The care of childbearing people and their families, children, adolescents, middle-aged adults, and older adults is examined, and infor mation about cultural groups is used to illustrate common transcultural nursing issues, trends, and concerns. Chapter 7, “Transcultural Perspectives in the Nursing Care of Adults,” is the collabora tive effort of Drs. Boyle and Collins. Originally developed and written by Drs. Boyle and Baird, the ninth edition content has been updated with new references, new insights, and more contem porary examples. Part Three: Healthcare Settings In the third section of the text (Chapters 9, 10, and 11), we explore the components of cultural competence in mental health and in family and community healthcare settings, including emer gency and disaster planning. We also examine cultural competence in healthcare organizations, cultural diversity in the healthcare workforce,

and population health, three very critical and current topics of concern. The clinical applica tion of concepts throughout this section uses situations commonly encountered by nurses and describes how transcultural nursing principles can be applied in diverse settings. The chapters in this section are intended to illustrate the applica tion of transcultural nursing knowledge to nurs ing practice using the lens of communities and organizations rather than individual patients and families . Part Four: Other Considerations in Culturally Competent Care In the fourth section of the text, Chapters 12 and 13, we examine selected contemporary issues and challenges that face nursing and healthcare. In the updated and revised Chapter 12, we review major religious traditions of the United States, the changing demographic of religious beliefs in many parts of the world, and the interrela tionships among religion, culture, and nursing. Recognizing the numerous moral and ethical challenges in contemporary healthcare as well as within transcultural nursing, Chapter 13 has added information regarding the ever-increasing perspective of population health and discusses cultural competence in ethical and moral dilem mas from a transcultural perspective. Resources for Instructors Tools to assist you with teaching your course are available upon adoption of this text on at https:// ●● The Test Generator offers a bank of NCLEX-style questions to help you assess your students’ understanding of the course material. ●● PowerPoint Presentations provide an easy way for you to integrate the textbook with your students’ classroom experience, either via slide shows or handouts. ●● Case Studies bring the content to life through real-world situations with scenarios

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