Nursing Catalogue 2016


The Nature of Disease: Pathology for the Health Professions, Second Edition Thomas H. McConnell, MD, FCAP 978-1-60913-369-6 • October 2013 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 800 pp.

Easy to understand and fun to read, this, this engaging primer on the etiology and pathogenesis of human disease will help you develop a basic understanding of pathology that will set you on the path to a successful career in the health professions. Punctuated by humor, unique case studies that link pathology to real- world clinical applications, and absorbing tales from the history of medicine, this engaging book focuses on the patient as it guides you through the causes and consequences of common diseases. Features • NEW! Expanded and updated coverage of pathophysiology helps your students prepare for their future careers. • NEW! A major reorganization that more closely mirrors the teaching trends in foundational courses across the country enhances student understanding and prepares them for the system- based approach of Anatomy and Physiology courses. • NEW! Case Notes sections provide case-related questions that pertain to the relationship between the opening case and the topic at hand. Answers are posted online. Answers to the end of chapter Challenge questions are available only to the instructor. • NEW! Pop Quiz sections at the end of each major chapter heading include short, straightforward questions designed to solidify student knowledge while it is fresh and readily available by quick restudy. Answers are posted online. • Focus on the most important information with Chapter Outlines that provide chapter roadmaps and Learning Objectives that call out concepts that must be mastered. • Develop a solid understanding of clinical practice with each chapter‘s opening Case Study (which include chief complaint, clinical history, physical examination, and clinical course) and chapter-ending Case Study Revisited, which takes a second look at the case through the lens of the information presented in the chapter. • Use the book’s full color illustrations and photographs to identify and learn about specific human disorders. • Learn the key “rules” that determine why disease occurs and unfolds the way it does with bulleted lists that summarize disease determinants. • Develop clinical insight and enhance recall with compelling real- world case studies that center on the details of an actual patient’s illness.


Table of Contents Part 1: Mechanisms of Health and Disease Ch. 1: Health and Disease Ch. 2: Cellular Pathology: Injury, Ch. 3: Disorders of the Immune System Ch. 4: Infectious Disease Ch. 5: Neoplasia Ch. 6: Disorders of Fluid, Electrolyte and Acid–Base Balance and Blood Flow Part 2: Disorders of the Organ Systems Ch. 10: Disorders of the Respiratory Tract Ch. 11: Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract Ch. 12: Disorders of the Liver and Biliary Tract Ch. 13: Disorders of the Pancreas Ch. 14: Disorders of the Endocrine Glands Ch. 15: Disorders of the Urinary Tract Ch. 7: Disorders of Blood Cells Ch. 8: Disorders of Blood Vessels Ch. 9: Disorders of the Heart

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