Nursing Catalogue 2016
Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, Ninth Edition, International Edition Sheila Grossman 978-1-4511-4599-1 • October 2013 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 1280 pp. • 637 Illus. • 88Tables 978-1-4511-4600-4 • North American Edition: Available in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only
Succeed in your pathophysiology text with this 9th edition of Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States . Captivating and easy-to understand, this proven book provides comprehensive, nursing- focused coverage designed to help you grasp both the physical and psychological aspects of altered health. Features • NEW! Advanced 3D narrated animations address the most clinically relevant and difficult to understand disorders (one for each system) and the two most essential systems disorders. • NEW! Fourteen engaging, unit-opening case studies put a real face on pathophysiology and focus on relating the clinical presentation to the underlying pathophysiology. • NEW! The revamped art program features over 600 illustrations that are either new, or have been extensively modified and new clinical manifestation figures for selected disorders. • NEW! Chapter-ending review exercises reinforce student’s understanding of chapter content. • NEW! Student-friendly presentation includes concepts that build on one another, words defined as content is presented, and concepts from physiology, biochemistry, physics, and other sciences reviewed along the way. • NEW! “Chunked” content encourages students to pause and review salient points using the easily-identified section-opening Objectives and section-ending Summaries. • NEW! Key Concepts Boxes help readers retain and utilize text information by providing a mechanism to incorporate text information into a larger conceptual unit, as opposed to memorizing a string of related and unrelated facts. • NEW! Helpful lists of common suffixes and prefixes, normal laboratory values in both conventional and SI units, and a comprehensive glossary are provided for quick reference. • Prepare your students for clinical practice with the unparalleled coverage of disease processes that make this text the most comprehensive pathophysiology text available. • Increase your students’ understanding of key concepts with the updated and revised full-color art program that illustrates the clinical manifestations of diseases and disease processes. • Help your student find the information they need fast with the book’s consistent presentation of each disease with pathophysiology, clinical manifestations, and evaluation and treatment.
Table of Contents Unit 1: Concepts of Health and Disease Unit 2: Cell Function and Growth Unit 3: Disorders of Integrative Function Unit 4: Infection, Inflammation, and Immunity Unit 5: Disorders of Neural Functions Unit 6: Disorders of Special Sensory function Unit 7: Disorders of the Hematopoietics system Unit 8: Disorders of Cardiovascular Function Unit 9: Disorders of Respiratory Function Unit 10: Disorders of Renal Function and Fluids & Electrolytes Unit 11: Disorders of Gastrointestinal Function Unit 12: Disorders of Endocrine Function Unit 13: Disorders of Genitourinary and Reproductive Function
Abridged to fit…
Study Guide for Porth’s Pathophysiology: Concepts of Altered Health States, Ninth Edition Sheila Grossman 978-1-4511-8272-9 •September2013 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •416pp.
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