Nursing Catalogue 2016


Pathophysiology: A Clinical Approach, Second Edition Carie A. Braun, PhD, RN 978-1-60547-304-8 • December 2010 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 560 pp. • 370 Illus.

The Second Edition of Pathophysiology offers a unique clinical approach that facilitates learning by viewing pathophysiology as health care professionals do. Whereas a traditional systems-based approach impractically isolates diseases to a single body system, this textbook’s approach recognizes how disease affects multiple systems. Additionally, rather than covering only a limited number of diseases, aiming for rote memorization of the key factors in those diseases, the clinical approach details the mechanisms of disease. By mastering the core concepts of altered human function, students can apply a deeper understanding to a host of diseases, rather than trying to memorize facts about specific conditions. Because students learn through application, they learn to think about pathophysiology the way they will need to in a clinical setting, by working from symptoms to the cause, rather than the other way around. Each chapter discusses clinical models, enhancing the real- world application of the material. Features • NEW! Fully revised chapters are now broken into modules, breaking complex information into smaller pieces and providing a building- block approach to the material. • NEW! Each chapter closes with Clinical Models, which apply the conceptual understanding of altered human function to specific conditions, and demonstrate the practical clinical application of the knowledge gained throughout the chapter. • Clinical approach and organization facilitate application and retention of key information. • Sophisticated full-color art program engages students and includes detailed illustrations of the human body in health and disease. • An application exercise in the last chapter requires students to apply the complex pathophysiologic concepts that they have learned to diabetes mellitus, emphasizing the practical nature of the material through application. • FromThe Lab : provides additional content on relevant laboratory and diagnostic information, including unique aspects of the lab test and lab results for students to consider. • Research : highlights new findings and demonstrates how research can be incorporated into clinical practice. • A concept map appears in each chapter to visually illustrate the important interrelationships of key concepts. • Expanded chapter case studies provide students with the opportunity to apply concepts and then to search the Internet for relevant journal articles and websites to confirm their predictions. • Additional Stop and Consider questions within the chapter text stimulate classroom discussion about important concepts and encourage students to think beyond the information presented in the book.

Table of Contents Ch. 1: Introduction to Pathophysiology Ch. 2: Altered Cells and Tissues Ch. 3: Inflammation and Tissue Repair Ch. 4: Altered Immunity Ch. 5: Infection Ch. 6: Genetic and Developmental Disorders Ch. 7: Altered Cellular Proliferation and Differentiation Ch. 8: Altered Fluid, Electrolyte, and Acid-Base Balance Ch. 9: Altered Neuronal Transmission Ch. 10: Altered Sensory Function and Pain Perception Ch. 11: Altered Hormonal and Metabolic Regulation Ch. 12: Altered Reproductive Function Ch. 13: Altered Ventilation and Diffusion


Ch. 14: Altered Perfusion Ch. 15: Altered Nutrition Ch. 16: Altered Elimination

Ch. 17: Degenerative Changes in Aging Ch. 18: Integrated Pathophysiologic Concepts: Diabetes Mellitus Glossary

StudyGuide for Pathophysiology: AClinical Approach, Second Edition Carie A. Braun, PhD, RN 978-1-60831-187-3 • January2011 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875” •160pp. •21 Illus.

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