Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Master Techniques in Upper and Lower Airway Management
William Rosenblatt MD ; Wanda M. Popescu MD
Yale University School of Medicine
February 2015 / Hardcover
Approx. 400 pp./ Approx. 500 Illus.
Overcome the toughest airway challenges with
Master Techniques in Upper and Lower Airway Management!
Under the
preeminent editorial guidance of William Rosenblatt, MD and Wanda Popescu, MD, a multitude of expert anesthesiologists
guide you through all the ins and outs of managing difficult airways. This anesthesiology reference’s case-based approach
demonstrates the clinical applications of important principles, and a large collection of online videos shows you how to
perform key techniques successfully.
• Be prepared to tackle a complete range of upper airway problems with comprehensive coverage of everything from
evaluation and basic management of the difficult upper airway patient, through pre-existing conditions, such as:
-- Otolaryngology and maxillofacial procedures
-- Nasal intubation, tracheostomy, and foreign bodies
-- Pediatric patients
-- The at-risk cervical spine
-- Extubation, and more
• This title also covers lower air way issues including:
-- Interventional pulmonology
-- Lung isolation devices and techniques
-- Airway surgery
-- Surgeries requiring lung isolation
-- Congenital abnormalities of the lower airway
-- Lung transplantation
-- Lower airway emergencies and more.
• Apply principles in practice by reviewing case histories that show concrete applications in the context of managing real
patients. Then challenge your decision making with case-based questions and answers that delve into the details that
lead to optimal outcomes.
• Master vital nuances of technique by watching a large collection of online videos derived from more than 700 actual
“Two master clinician educators, Drs. William Rosenblatt and Wanda Popescu, calling on their expertise in airway management
and thoracic anesthesia, respectively, have developed a unique book which explores the pathway of the airway from lips (nares) to
the terminal bronchi to develop a highly focused volume with accompanying e-media to highlight clinical management. Although
the organization of the book may seem obvious or intuitive, this is the first time a textbook has been developed in this manner. For
the reader, these individuals have assembled the ‘go to faculty’ for both pre-operative consultation, as well as, intra-operative
airway related events in their specialties.”
– from the Foreword by Paul G. Barash MD