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Medical Reference Catalogue 2015



Abdominal and Pelvic Pain

From Definition to Best Practice

Bert Messelink MD

Andrew Baranowski MD

John Hughes MD

October 2014 / Paperback

Approx. 344 pp.



This unique title presents authoritative guidance on the current science and management of abdominal, pelvic, and visceral

pain as presented at the 1st World Congress on Abdominal & Pelvic Pain held in Amsterdam in the spring of 2013.

Abdominal and Pelvic Pain: FromDefinition to Best Practice

integrates basic science and clinical phenotypes into a

multidisciplinary continuum of care, encouraging improved national and international standards of management. More

than 45 global contributors provide clear discussions of management strategies; multidisciplinary teamwork; somatic and

psychological aspects of pain; the pain syndrome approach and collaborative care; the role of pathways and algorithms;

pharmacotherapy; physiotherapy, psychology, and neuromodulation; and much more.

Fordyce’s Behavioral Methods for Chronic Pain and Illness

Republished with Invited Commentaries

Chris Main

Professor of Clinical Psychology, Pain Management, Primary Care Sciences,

Keele University, United Kingdom

Francis Keefe PhD

Duke University

October 2014 / Paperback

Approx. 480 pp.



Nearly forty years after its original publication, one of the most influential textbooks on modern pain management is

available again for today’s generation, in a unique and enhanced edition. Now complemented by expert, chapter-by-chapter

commentaries from leading authorities on psychologically-oriented pain management and pain-associated disability,

Fordyce’s Behavioral Methods for Chronic Pain and Illness

blends Dr. Fordyce’s pioneering behavioral concepts with modern

research and clinical practice. This innovative title is ideal for clinicians and researchers involved in the multidisciplinary

assessment, treatment, and management of pain and pain-associated disorders, as well as anyone interested in behavioral

approaches to chronic pain and illness.