Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Age-Related Macular Degeneration
Second Edition
D. Virgil Alfaro III, MD
Retina Consultants of Charleston
John B. Kerrison MD
Retina Consultants of Charleston
Storm Eye Institute; Medical University of South Carolina
October 2014 / Hardcover
Approx. 344 pp / Approx. 555 Illus.
This comprehensive text covers recent advances in pathophysiology, diagnosis, and treatment including promising new
developments that will affect your patient care. Dr. Virgil Alfaro and his colleagues at Retina Consultants of Charleston bring
you their expertise in the areas of basic science, imaging, prevention, treatment, and more.
• Learn from a renowned group of retina surgeons who address all aspects of management, including anatomy, physiology,
and pathophysiology; imaging of the macula in ARMD, prevention measures and treatment; and future directions in the
• Gain a solid foundation in intravenous fluorescein angiography, indocyanine green angiography, and optical coherence
tomography, as well as antiVEGE therapy and related new drugs, optimizing your diagnosis and treatment options.
• Understand the significant change in the classification system of choroidal neovascular membranes in ARMD.
• Get up-to-date information on treating ARMD secondary to geographic atrophy through cell transplantation and
pharmacologic therapies.
• Easily visualize key aspects of ARMD thanks to high-quality illustrations and photographs.
• Find the information you need quickly by referencing individual chapters that offer comprehensive and inclusive coverage
of the topic at hand.