Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology
Second Edition
Richard R. Barakat MD; Douglas A. Levine MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Marcus E. Randall MD
Indiana University School of Medicine; Medical Director; Clarian-Indiana University
Maurie Markman MD
University of Texas, MD Anderson Cancer Center
Don S. Dizon MD, FACP
Massachusetts General Hospital; Harvard Medical School
Catheryn M. Yashar MD
University of California—San Diego; Moores Cancer Center
April 2015 / Paperback
Approx. 380 pp / Approx. 38 Illus.
Easy to read and designed for on-the-spot reference,
Handbook for Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 2nd
is a comprehensive yet concise guide for fellows, residents, and specialist trainees in the diagnosis and management
of gynecologic cancers. You’ll find authoritative coverage of the latest developments in the field, streamlined data that
support treatment recommendations, and helpful algorithms and tables included throughout.
• Learn from two new co-editors, Drs. Dizon and Yashar, who share their expertise in gynecologic medical oncology and
gynecologic radiation oncology.
• Progress logically through each chapter from incidence and etiology to diagnosis and treatment.
• An ideal companion to Barakat, Markman, and Randall’s Principles and Practice of Gynecologic Oncology, 6th Edition.
November 2014 / Paperback
Approx. 288 pp / Approx. 38 Illus. / Approx. 44 Tables
Handbook of Targeted Cancer Therapy
Daniel D. Karp MD; Gerald S. Falchook MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
This concise, practical oncology reference examines more than 120 targeted therapy agents for which clinical trial data are
available, and explains when and how you can use them to most effectively combat cancer.
• Approach clinical challenges from any direction with separate sections on Targets by Organ Site, Carcinogenesis from the
Perspective of Targeted Therapy, Molecular Targets and Pathways, and Targeted Therapy Agents.
• Find information easily thanks to a color-coded format and an intuitive organization.
• Access the complete contents online and on mobile devices, with regular updates to include newly approved treatments.
• Important state of the art cancer information for caregivers, researchers, other health care professionals, and even