Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care
I am pleased for the opportunity to write the Foreword once again, this time, for the ninth edi tion of the Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care book by Drs. Joyceen S. Boyle, John Collins, Patti Ludwig-Beymer, and Margaret M. Andrews. Each one of these authors has followed in the footsteps of the founder of transcultural nursing, the late Dr. Madeleine Leininger, a giant in the area of the relevance of culture, caring, health, and nursing; Dr. Leininger paved the way for what is now known in academic, political, and social/ public arenas as DEI—diversity, equity, and inclu sion—in the United States and around the world; however, her views included caring and the tran scendent. Drs. Boyle and Andrews saw the need to advance transcultural concepts in nursing care and wrote the first edition of this book, along with chapter contributions written by other authors, in 1989. Subsequent editions of this book have pro vided the foundation to study transcultural con cepts related to diverse cultures of individuals, groups, and communities and are used extensively in Schools of Nursing across the United States and in other nations. The first author, Dr. Joyceen Boyle, was mentored by the renowned nurse– anthropologist, Dr. JoAnn Glittenberg Hinrichs. Joyceen and I were classmates and privileged to be in the first transcultural nursing PhD program under the leadership of Dean Leininger at the University of Utah, College of Nursing in 1977. We were challenged by Dr. Leininger to study the substantive cultural, nursing, and caring knowl edge to cocreate new knowledge-models and theories through research for the development of the discipline and profession of transcultural nursing. In 2023, the University of Utah, College of Nursing celebrated its 75th anniversary, and in 2024, the Transcultural Nursing Society cel ebrates 50 years since its inception, showing the world how outstanding transcultural nursing graduates, like Drs. Boyle, Andrews, Ludwig Beymer, and Collins, mentored by Dr. Andrews, have sought to change the world of national and international transcultural nursing practice by means of their scholarship in the provision of culturally competent care. The chapters in this book, now in its ninth edition, reveal this schol arship by continuing to illuminate the application of the authors’ Transcultural Interprofessional Practice (TIP) Theory and Model introduced in the seventh edition. The TIP Model captures and communicates the widest range of the rich foundational knowledge of cultural and transcul tural nursing knowledge for diverse populations, such as addressing multicultural and population health across the lifespan, including the health of indigenous groups, palliative and end-of-life care, seeking person/patient/client-centered contribu tions to transcultural nursing assessments, trans cultural maternal–child care, pursuing cultural understanding of mental healthcare, creating culturally competent healthcare organizations, addressing environmental science and social jus tice, identification and assessment of transcul tural religious, ethical and moral foundations, animal contributions, and furthering global health via cognizance of the United Nations sus tainable development goals and many others. The world of transcultural nursing practice has been changed by the authors’ creation, commu nication, and dissemination of their TIP Model, which is more critical than ever, now that atten tion to cultural illness and health, cultural com petence, and interprofessionalism are advancing as the norm in contemporary nursing education, research, and practice, especially in the United States. Their book meets the new essentials and current directives of the American Association of Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of the content is prohibited.
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