Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care

Evidence-Based Practice 11-5

Experiences of Adult Men Who Are Homeless Accessing Care: A Qualitative Study (continued)

Summary Cultural concepts related to community nursing practice serve as a guide or framework for nurses who work with different cultural groups within a community. Nurses use cultural knowledge in assessing, planning, implementing, and evaluat ing nursing care. This chapter addressed cultural diversity of clients, families, and communities. Various subcultures, including refugees, asylees, and immigrants, and others were described to help nurses understand and become comfort able working with these groups in community settings. Cultural concepts as they relate to the com munity at large will help nurses plan care for individuals, families, and communities. A cul tural assessment is an integral component of a community nursing assessment (see Appendix B). Culturally competent nursing interventions ensure health maintenance and health promo tion at a community level. Preventive care in the community has been a traditional aspect of did not affect other appointment times such as case management, employment, or other provider appointments. Clinical Implications ●● Care plans need to be framed in a culturally rel evant context and meet individual needs. Such an approach to care provides a framework for addressing the challenges presented by social determinants of health . ●● Healthcare providers must recognize the com plex health and social needs, such as housing insecurity, food insecurity, unemployment, and limited social support experienced by homeless individuals.

●● Improving access to care for homeless popula tions will also require multifaceted changes to care delivery, care coordination, and state and federal health policies. One possible solution might be through community health workers who share demographic similarities with the popula tions they serve and are specially trained to help clients navigate the complexities of the health care system and facilitate care deliveries consis tent with the population’s values and needs.

Reference: Henderson, M., McCurry, I., Deatrick, J., & Lipman, T. (2022). Experiences of adult men who are homeless access ing care: A qualitative study. Journal of Transcultural Nursing, 33 (2), 199–207.

community-based nursing. Community nurses work collaboratively with other team members to address the needs of population groups. New col laborative efforts include disaster preparedness in homes, healthcare facilities, and the workplace.


1. Describe four cultural concepts and discuss how they can be used to provide transcultural nursing care to families and community aggregates. 2. Describe an example of how cultural factors influence the health of an aggregate group within the community. 3. List the major cultural considerations in implementing preventive programs for cul turally diverse groups. How can cultural con siderations be used to identify barriers and facilitators for preventive programs? 4. Identify special health considerations in immigrant groups within the community.

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