Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care


Nurses are accustomed to completing patient assessments and performing complete head-to toe assessments on every assigned patient on every shift while working at inpatient clinical facilities. Assessments are also completed multiple times within a given shift to assess possible changes in car diac, respiratory, neurologic, endocrine, and other bodily systems impacted by both chronic and acute disease. However, as a discipline, we have only min imally embraced the tenets of cultural assessment and the concepts provided in this text. To properly provide Culturally Competent Care, we must seek to better understand the values, beliefs, and lifeways of the patients and their families who we serve, as well as the physiologic assessment findings. To that end, given the large number of cultures and sub cultures in the world, it is impossible for nurses to know everything about them all; however, it is pos sible for nurses to develop excellent cultural assess ment and cross-cultural communication skills and to follow a systematic, orderly process for the deliv ery of culturally competent care. The Andrews/Boyle Transcultural Inter professional Practice (TIP) Model, which we introduced in the seventh edition of Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care, has been well received at national and international conferences and by readers. Chapters 1 and 2 emphasize the need for effective communication, efficient client- and patient-centered teamwork, teambuilding, and collaboration among members of the interprofes sional healthcare team. The TIP Model has a theoretical foundation in transcultural nursing that fosters communi cation and collaboration between and among all members of the team and enables multiple team members to manage complex, frequently multi faceted transcultural care issues, moral and ethical dilemmas, challenges, and care-related problems

in a collegial, respectful, synergistic manner. The process used in the TIP Model is an adaptation and application of the classic scientific problem solving method. The model has application in the care of people from different national origins, ethnicities, races, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions, genders, marital statuses, sexual orien tations, ages, abilities/disabilities, sizes, veteran status, and other characteristics used to compare one group of people to another. The Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s (AACN) Essentials of Baccalaureate Education for Professional Nursing Practice (revised and adopted in 2021), Accred itation Commission for Education in Nursing, most state boards of nursing, and other accredit ing and certification bodies require or strongly encourage the inclusion of cultural aspects of care in nursing curricula. This, of course, underscores the importance of the purpose, goal, and objectives for Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care , ninth edition. Purpose: To contribute to the development of theoretically based transcultural nursing knowl edge and the advancement of transcultural nurs ing practice. Goal: To increase the delivery of culturally competent care to individuals, families, groups, communities, and institutions. Objectives: 1. To apply a transcultural nursing framework to guide nursing practice in diverse health care settings across the lifespan. 2. To analyze major concerns and issues encountered by nurses in providing trans cultural nursing care to individuals, fami lies, groups, communities, and institutions.

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