Rockwood Adults CH64
SECTION FOUR • Lower Extremity
Subgroups and Qualifications: Tibia/fibula, malleolar, infrasyndesmotic, isolated (44-A1) 1. Rupture of lateral collateral ligament (44-A1.1)
2. Avulsion of tip of lateral malleolus (44-A1.2)
3. Transverse fracture of lateral malleolus (44-A1.3)
Tibia/fibula, malleolar, infrasyndesmotic lesion with medial malleolar fracture (44-A2) (1) transverse
(2) oblique (3) vertical 1. Rupture of lateral collateral ligament (44-A2.1)
2. Avulsion of tip of lateral malleolus (44-A2.2)
3. Transverse fracture of lateral malleolus (44-A2.3)
Tibia/fibula, malleolar, infrasyndesmotic lesion with postero-medial fracture (44-A3) 1. Rupture of lateral collateral ligament (44-A3.1) 2. Avulsion of tip of lateral malleolus (44-A3.2)
3. Transverse fracture of lateral malleolus (44-A3.3)
Figure 64-7. ( Continued ) Subtypes of “A-type” ankle fractures.
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