Rockwood Adults CH64
CHAPTER 64 • Ankle Fractures
Location: Malleolar segment (44)
Types: A. Infrasyndesmotic lesion (44-A)
B. Transsyndesmotic fibula fracture (44-B)
C. Suprasyndesmotic lesion (44-C)
Groups: Tibia/fibula, malleolar, infrasyndesmotic lesions (44-A) 1. Isolated (44-A1) 2. With me- dial malleolar
Tibia/fibula, malleolar, transsyndesmotic fibula fracture (44-B) 1. Isolated (44-B1)
Tibia/fibula, malleolar, suprasyndesmotic (44-C)
3. With medial lesion and Volkmann (fracture of the postero- lateral rim) (44-B3)
3. With postero-medial
2. With me- dial lesion (44-B2)
1. Simple dia- physeal fibular
3. Proximal fibula (44-C3)
2. Multifrag- mentary frac- ture of fibular diaphysis (44-C2)
fracture (44-A3)
fracture (44-A2)
fracture (44-C1)
Figure 64-7. The AO-OTA classification. This classification system is based upon the location of fracture lines and degree of comminution and serves to describe the severity and degree of instability associated with a particular fracture pattern. The AO-OTA classification expands on the Danis–Weber classification scheme, which is still in use and is perhaps the most rudimentary of the classification systems and is based simply on the level of the fibula fracture. The basic fracture types are shown. ( continues )
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