Neuroanatomy Atlas in Clinical Context
O ur basic science colleagues in the Department of Neurobiology and Anatomical Sciences and our clinical colleagues in the De partment of Neurology and the Department of Neurosurgery, all at The University of Mississippi Medical Center, have been very gra cious in offering suggestions and comments, both great and small, on the revisions for this and past editions. A special thanks is due several colleagues for their important help with the Eleventh Edition. First, Dr. Mary Alissa Willis read all chapters with particular attention to clinical information, examples, comments, and terminology. Second, Dr. William Watkins (Ophthalmology, Mis sissippi) and Dr. Charlotte Taylor (Neuroradiology, Mississippi) were essential to helping us locate clinical images both normal and abnor mal. Third, Dr. Ching J. Chen (Ophthalmology, Mississippi) helped us mature some concepts on visual field. Fourth, Dr. Craig Greven (Oph thalmology, Wake Forest), Dr. William Watkins (Ophthalmology, Mis sissippi), and Dr. Manasa Gunturu (Neuro-ophthalmology, Mississippi) contributed to the inclusion of retinal OCTs. We greatly appreciate the cooperation of all of these individuals; they did a wonderful job. The modifications in this Eleventh Edition focus on the integration of basic neuroscience and its clinical applicability. The color coding of all clinical artwork has been extended to all new drawings when appropriate. A thank you is due the following individuals for their contributions to recent Editions: Drs. Bishnu Sapkota and David Sinclair, Drs. Robert McGuire and William McCluskey, Drs. Louis Harkey and Andy Parent, Dr. Alan Sinning, Mr. Ken Sullivan, and graduate student Mr. Martin O. Bohlen, medical students Ms. Kelly Brister and Mr. Jarrett R. Morgan, Dr. Tim McCowan, Dr. Jonathan Wisco (UCLA), Drs. Amy Jones and Bridgett Jones, and Drs. Kim Simpson and Jim Lynch. The external reviewers commissioned by Wolters Kluwer over the years were faculty: Dr. James D. Foster, Dr. Eustathia L. Giannaris, Dr. Joerg R. Leheste, Dr. Mary A. Matteliano, Dr. Todd A. Nolan, Dr. Omid B. Rahimi, and students: John Brandt, Rachel Krieger, Avani Patal, Ronald Sahyouni, Farooq Usmani, and Haley Zlomke. For the Eleventh Edition, we express our appreciation to the faculty external reviewers commissioned by Wolters Kluwer. Modifications, both great and small, in earlier editions to the exist ing artwork and labeling scheme, and the generation of many new ren derings, tables, and compiling plates, were predominately the work of Mr. Walter (Kyle) Cunningham (Medical Illustrator) and Mr. Michael Schenk. Mr. Chuck Runyan (Biomedical Photography), Mr. Bill Arm strong (Manager of Biomedical Photography), and Mr. Robert W. Gray (Biomedical Photography) photographed new brain and spinal cord specimens. We are enormously appreciative of the time, energy, ded ication, and professionalism of these individuals toward creating the best possible images, photographs, artwork, and finished plates for this book. Mr. Cunningham went out of his way to do an absolutely outstanding job to meet and repeatedly exceed the expectations of the
author in earlier editions as well as this Eleventh Edition. Thank you, Kyle! A special thanks to Dr. Haines’ granddaughter, Miss Ireland G. Scott, for her excellent help with computer issues encountered in the generation of some new drawings in the Eleventh Edition. Over the years, many colleagues, friends, and students (now faculty or medical/dental practitioners) have made many helpful comments. They are again acknowledged here, because these earlier suggestions continue to influence this book: Drs. A. Agmon, A. Alqueza, B. Ander son, C. Anderson, R. Baisden, S. Baldwin, R. Borke, J. Brandt, P. A. Brewer, A. S. Bristol, Patricia Brown, Paul Brown, A. Butler, T. Castro, B. Chronister, C. Constantinidis, A. Craig, J. L. Culberson, P. DeVasto, V. Devisetty, E. Dietrichs, L. Ehrlichman, J. Evans, E. M. Fallon, B. Falls, C. Forehand, J. D. Foster, R. Frederickson, G. C. Gaik, E. Garcis-Rill, E. L. Giannaris, G. Grunwald, B. Hallas, T. Imig, J. King, J. A. Kmiec, R. Krieger, P. S. Lacy, A. Lamperti, J. R. Leheste, G. R. Leichnetz, E. Levine, R. C. S. Lin, J. C. Lynch, T. McGraw-Ferguson, G. F. Martin, M. A. Matteliano, A. Miam, G. A. Mihailoff, M. V. Mishra, B. G. Mollon, T. A. Nolan, R. L. Norman, R. E. Papka, A. Patel, A. N. Perry, K. Peusner, C. Phelps, B. Puder, O. B. Rahimi, H. J. Ralston, J. Rho, L. T. Robertson, D. Rosene, A. Rosenquist, I. Ross, R. Sahyouni, J. D. Schlag, M. Schwartz, J. Scott, V. Seybold, L. Simmons, K. L. Simpson, A. Singh, D. Smith, S. Stensaas, C. Stefan, D. G. Thielemann, M. Thomadaki, S. Thomas, M. Tomblyn, J. A. Tucker, D. Tolbert, F. Usmani, F. Walberg, S. Walkley, M. Woodruff, M. Wyss, R. Yezierski, H. Zlomke, and A. Y. Zubkov. We have greatly appreciated their comments and suggestions. The stained sections used in this Atlas are from the teaching collection in the Depart ment of Neurobiology and Anatomy at West Virginia University School of Medicine. Dr. Haines, who was on the faculty at WVU from 1973 to 1985, expresses his appreciation to Mr. Bruce Palmer. This Eleventh Edition would not have been possible without the interest and support of the publisher, Wolters Kluwer. We want to express thanks to our edi tors, Crystal Taylor (Senior Acquisitions Editor), Amy Millholen (Senior Development Editor), Janet Jayne (Editorial Coordinator), Matthew West (Production Project Manager), Parisa Saranj (Editorial Assistant), and especially Kelly Horvath (Freelance Development Editor) for their encouragement, continuing interest, and confidence in this project. Kelly was absolutely an essential key in the process and we greatly appreciate her hard work and wonderful cooperation. Their cooperation has given us the opportunity to make the improvements seen herein. Lastly, but clearly not least, we want to express a special thanks to Dr. Haines’ wife, Gretchen. The significant changes made in this edition required attention to many, and multiple, details. She carefully and critically reviewed the text, patiently listened to more neurobiol ogy than she could have ever imagined, and gleefully informed him about rules of grammar and punctuation that he is not sure he even knew existed. She also got a kick out of arguing about the singular versus plural form of Latin terms. We gladly dedicate this Eleventh Edition to Gretchen.
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