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NURSING Emergency
Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick! Third Edition Incredibly Easy! Series ® By Tracy Taylor, MSN, RN , is an Associate Professor in the Division of Nursing at Kettering College in Kettering, OH. UG (GLWLRQ LV the essential take-along pocket guide, offering instant access to the everyday clinical tools and information required of nurses in all specialty areas. Sup- porting you like a friendly, experienced coworker, this enjoyable guide ex- plains the vital nursing terms, concepts, and methods, with easy-to-remember how-tos on essential protocols, treatment algorithms, and technical skills. This PXVW KDYH UHVRXUFH GHOLYHUV RQ WKH VSRW FRQÀGHQFH DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ QHHGHG for successful classroom and clinical knowledge. DESCRIPTION The newly updated Nursing Facts Made Incredibly Quick! ®
FEATURES ▶ 1(: DQG XSGDWHG FRQWHQW RQ DOO WKH EDVLF YLWDO QXUVLQJ VNLOOV ▶ 6SLUDO ERXQG IRUPDW WR HDVLO\ ÀW LQ \RXU SRFNHW IRU TXLFN DW D JODQFH DQVZHUV ▶ Laminated, wipe-clean pages, perfect for notetaking and revising ▶ Clear, concise text backed by dozens of color photos, tables, drawings, and diagrams ▶ Clear directions on performing assessments, including: ▶ Cardiovascular, respiratory, neurologic, gastrointestinal, musculoskeletal, integumentary, and endocrine body systems ▶ Geriatric, pediatric, and psychiatric patient assessments ▶ Pain assessments ▶ Color-coded tabs, providing quick access to information on a broad range of skills, with illustrated quick techniques, data, and information on areas such as: ▶ Administering and monitoring medications and IV therapy, including dosage information ▶ (PHUJHQF\ FDUH ▶ Nutrition – troubleshooting tube-feeding problems, evaluating nutritional disorders, nutritional guidelines ▶ Vital-sign ranges by age group ▶ Suicide interventions ▶ &35 DOJRULWKPV DQG (&* TXLFN UHIHUHQFH ▶ Quick-scan charts – lab values
▶ Infusion rates ▶ Teaching aids
▶ Important on-the-job resources: ▶ (YLGHQFH EDVHG QXUVLQJ SUDFWLFHV ▶ Conversion charts for weight, body temperature, liquids, and solids ▶ CDC infection control guidelines ▶ 3DWLHQW VDIHW\ DQG LGHQWLÀFDWLRQ JXLGHOLQHV ▶ Cultural considerations in patient care ▶ Dangerous abbreviations to avoid in clinical documentation ▶ (QJOLVK 6SDQLVK TXLFN UHIHUHQFH JXLGH DQG GLFWLRQDU\
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in August, 2009. (ISBN: 978-1-60547-472-4)
Spiralbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-7278-9 / (US$32.99(t) / £23.50(t) / €28.00(t)) Worldwide Approx. 204 pp. / 3.5 x 5.5 / September 2017
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