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NURSING Drug Guides
2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses Sixth Edition By Amy M. Karch, MSN, RN , Associate Professor of Clinical Nursing, Univer- sity of Rochester School of Nursing, Rochester, NY DESCRIPTION The 2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses provides cur- rent, vital drug information “in a nutshell.” Based on the popular Lippincott Nursing Drug Guide by Amy Karch, this handy pock- et guide by the same author gives essential information on over 2,000 medications in an easy-access A-to-Z format. The “mini” drug monographs include generic and trade names, drug class, pregnancy risk category and controlled substance schedule, “black box” warnings, indications & dosages, dose adjustments, adverse effects, drug interactions, nursing considerations, and patient teaching. A special section reviews Patient Safety and Medication Administration. Appendices cover topical and ophthalmic medica- tions, laxatives, combination products, contraceptives, biological
agents (vaccines), and more. Also includes free online access to Monthly Drug Updates and a Toolkit loaded with hundreds of additional drug-related resources on thePoint. The pocket-sized 2018 Lippincott Pocket Drug Guide for Nurses will quickly become your go-to guide for important drug facts and vital patient safety tips and alerts. FEATURES New to this edition [Preceding current features listed] ▶ Full monographs on 42 newly approved drugs ▶ More than 1,500 additions, changes, and updates to indications, dosages, and administration Key features ▶ $OSKDEHWL]HG E\ JHQHULF QDPH IRU ÀQJHUWLS DFFHVV WR WKH LQIRUPDWLRQ \RX QHHG ▶ Includes brand names, drug class, pregnancy risk, and controlled substance schedule for each drug ▶ Prominent alerts for dangerous drugs and black box warnings ▶ Special section addressing Patient Safety and Medication Administration ▶ Appendices on alternative therapies, topical and ophthalmic drugs, laxatives, contraceptives, biologicals, and combination products ▶ Anatomy of a drug monograph on inside front cover ▶ Detailed index of all generic and trade names and drug classes included
Vital information you need, right in your pocket!
Note to Booksellers: The previous edition published in October, 2016. (ISBN: 978-1-4963-5378-8)
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-7193-5 / (US$16.99 / £13.50 / €16.00) Worldwide 576 pp / 3 x 5 / October 2017
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