Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4511-9206-3 / (US$69.99 / £44.00(t) / €53.00(t)) Worldwide
Softbound / ISBN: 978-1-4963-5374-0 / (US$69.99 / £44.00(t) / €53.00(t))
World ex. USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico & US Virgin Islands
(St. Thomas & St. Croix)
Approx. 652 pp. / Approx. 961 Illus. / Approx. 131 Tables / June 2016
Essentials of Foye’s Principles of
Medicinal Chemistry
Senior Editor
Thomas L. Lemke, PhD
, Associate Dean for Professional Programs
and Professor of Medicinal Chemistry, University of Houston, Houston, TX
Victoria F. Roche, PhD
, Senior Associate Dean, School of Pharmacy and Health
Professions, Creighton University, Omaha, NE;
S. William Zito, PhD
, College
of Pharmacy and Allied Health Professions, St. John’s University, Jamaica, NY
Edited by
DavidA. Williams, PhD
, Emeritus Professor of Chemistry, Massachu-
setts College of Pharmacy and Health Sciences, Boston, MA
Written in response to reader requests for a short, “to the point” text
that clearly summarizes the most important chemical elements of
therapeutically relevant drug classes,
Essentials of Foye’s Principles
of Medicinal Chemistry
is a concise, quick-reference source of reli-
able information in the field. Derived from the highly regarded
Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
, this
focused text provides an essential understanding of drug action and demonstrates its practical application to
today’s pharmacy practice.
Highlights the
“take home” chemical points
of every chapter in the parent text, and uses an
read, bulleted format
to convey essential concepts.
Covers mechanism of action (MOA), structure-activity relationships (SAR), physicochemical and
pharmacokinetic properties, metabolism, and clinical applications in all chapters.
numerous figures and tables
to illustrate key concepts and make reference quick and easy.
Summarizes additional information
such as adverse effects, drug-drug or drug-food interactions,
chemical points of interest, and unique aspects of clinical use in side boxes or Chemical Note side bars.
Concludes each chapter with a section emphasizing the
clinical relevance
of chapter content, as well
review questions
for self-assessment.
Written by the same international team of renowned researchers and academicians as
Principles of Medicinal Chemistry
Now with the print edition, enjoy the bundled
interactive eBook edition
, which can be downloaded to
tablet and smartphone or accessed online
and includes features like:
Complete content with enhanced navigation
Powerful search tools and smart navigation cross-links
that pull results from content in the book,
your notes, and even the web
Cross-linked pages, references, and more
for easy navigation
Highlighting tool
for easier reference of key content throughout the text
Ability to
take and share notes
with friends and colleagues
Quick reference tabbing
to save your favorite content for future use
Wolters Kluwer