NMS. Surgery
Welcome to the seventh edition of NMS Surgery . This book is written primarily for students and residents in general surgery. It is meant to serve as an introduction to the field of surgery, rather than a comprehensive review. In this edition, we have reorganized the overall structure. First and foremost, we reduced the size to fit in a lab coat pocket, so you can carry it with you for quick reference. Accordingly, we pared down some of the text to focus on the essential information. New features to this edition include “Trusted Sources,” which are links to noncommercial websites and other sources of up-to-date details and practice guidelines on relevant topics. We have also aimed to create more alignment with the NMS Surgery Casebook . This involved changing the order of the chapters from the previous edition and adding “Cut to Casebook” cross-references to make it easier to find the appropriate cases to complement the textbook. We have also revised the outline of each chapter to open with highlights, called “Chapter Cuts.” The key points are immediately followed by “Critical Surgical Associations,” which provide triggers for medical students to remember important connections in the surgical thought process. For the tremendous work put into this edition, we thank the individual contributors. Their high-quality and frequently punctual contributions have made our jobs as editors pleasant. We are also grateful to the editorial team at Wolters Kluwer for their guidance and support throughout the process.
—Bruce E. Jarrell, MD —Eric D. Strauch, MD —Stephen M. Kavic, MD
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