NMS. Surgery
Part I ♦ Foundations
Saturation (SvO 2 )
Mixed Venous Oxygen
Low High Low Low
Cardiogenic Usually increased Usually decreased High* High Low Low Neurogenic Normal or decreased Decreased Low Low Decreased (loss of cardiac compensation) Low Obstructive Usually increased but could be decreased Decreased Usually high* High Low Low Septic Normal or high
Often high
Early Elevated Usually low Normal or low Low Low, normal, or high After fluid resuscitation (late):
Elevated or normal Normal or low Elevated Low Normal or High
Left Heart Filling Pressures (CVP/PAOP)
Blood Pressure Changes
Hypovolemic Elevated First: none
Second: narrow
pulse pressure/
elevated diastolic Third: systolic hypotension
Table 1-5: Types of Shock Based on Hemodynamic Profile Analysis Type of Shock Heart Rate
*Right ventricular failure can lead to increased central venous pressure (CVP), but decreased capillary wedge pressure, pulmonary embolus, and tension pneumothorax can also lead to high CVP but low or normal pulmonary artery occlusion pressure (PAOP) pressures. In tamponade, all filling pressures are elevated.
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