MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE


Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities, 4th Edition Carol Huston

Designed to help both students and practicing nurses, Professional Issues in Nursing: Challenges & Opportunities , 4th Edition, offers insightful coverage of today’s most pressing workplace, workforce, and legal and ethical issues as well as issues related to professional power and advancing the nursing profession. This practical text’s focus on timely hot topics—all related to today’s increasingly global, rapidly changing, technology-driven world—equips students and nurses to deal with real-life issues. 978-1-4963-3439-8 / 448 pp / jan 2016

Leadership Roles and Management Functions in Nursing: Theory and Application, 9th Edition Bessie Marquis & Carol Huston Help your students develop the skills they’ll need on the job with today’s #1 best seller. Taking an active learning approach, this Ninth Edition emphasizes the symbiotic

elements of leadership and management. All professional nurses today face limited resources and emerging technologies, and this book prepares students through up-to-date and comprehensive coverage of leadership and management concepts, ranging from managing conflict and working collaboratively to organizing patient care and staffing. 978-1-4963-6140-0 / 768 pp / Feb 2017

Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Nursing, 5th Edition Jeanne Sewell Informatics and Nursing: Opportunities and Challenges is a comprehensive informatics text focused on helping the nursing student learn the basics of informatics. The contents proceed from Unit One which covers computer basics to Unit Five which examines skills and techniques for using the end product of informatics: data. The text provides the foundational knowledge to understand technology and use informatics to discover and manipulate information and access, manage, retrieve, and present clinical data. This text was designed to capture cutting edge advancement in nursing informatics core competencies and applications and to present the theories, tools, and skills that every nurse should know. The new edition has been updated for currency and has had chapters reorganized and consolidated to help students focus on important information. In addition, the book is now full colour, has QSEN boxes, as well as additional supplements such as case studies and activities. 978-1-4963-0893-1 / 512 pp / 2015


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