MEA Catalogue 2018_041318_ONLINE



Nursing in Today’s World, 11th Edition Amy Stegen & Holli Sowerby

Fully updated to cover today’s issues and trends, Nursing in Today’s World, 11e prepares students for the realities of practice. Reimaged to appeal to this generation of nursing students, this engaging edition contains features that break up the text and help students pragmatically acquire, retain, recall, and apply knowledge to real-life scenarios. Appealing to visual learners, our Cartoon Curriculum adds humour and satire to the book. These visuals and related discussion questions/activities decrease learning time, improve comprehension, enhance retrieval, and increase retention. Appealing to students who learn best through Modelling and Storytelling, Communication In Action helps students develop their soft skills. Examples, Daily Ethical Dilemmas Feature Boxes, and Stegen & Sowerby Stories offer the concrete examples on the day to day life of a RN that students need to realize why what they are learning in their Issues and Trends course is important to their careers and ability to navigate complex healthcare realities. While the text engages today’s learner, it stays academically rigorous through Nursing Theory Alert Boxes, Evidence-Based Practice Boxes, as well as our comprehensive coverage of safety issues. 978-1-4963-8710-3 / 624 pp / Oct 2018


Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing, 9th Edition Lucy Hood

Leddy & Pepper’s Conceptual Bases of Professional Nursing, 9th Edition provides an easy to read overview of the nursing profession, addressing philosophical, developmental, sociocultural, environmental, political, health care delivery, and leadership issues vital for career enhancement. The author covers professional nursing roles and client care issues and presents strategies to deal with the emotional and ethical aspects of practice. This edition features videos and interactive resources in the accompanying ancillary package. 978-1-4963-5136-4 / 640 pp / Oct 2017


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