2021 Textbook Catalogue
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Frameworks for Internal Medicine - The Chalk Talk: A Simplified Approach to Internal Medicine 1st Edition Andre Mansoor 978-1-4963-5930-8 / 768 pp / November 2018 Introducing an innovative, systematic approach to understanding differential diagnosis, Frameworks for Internal Medicine helps students and other learners to think like clinicians and master the methodology behind diagnosing the most commonly encountered conditions in internal medicine. This highly visual resource uses a case-based, Q&A-style format to build “frameworks” that guide learners through each step in the differential diagnosis process. Quickly accessible and available online for fast review, these unique frameworks not only equip students for success during the internal medicine clerkship but also help ensure more confident differential diagnoses in clinical settings. Critical Care Medicine 5th Edition John Marini and David J. Dries 978-1-4963-0291-5 / 720 pp / October 2018 With a full-colour design and concise, easy-to-read chapters, Critical Care Medicine: The Essentials and a Bit More covers the core elements of critical care, with a unique focus on the pathophysiology underlying clinical disorders and how pathophysiologic concerns affect treatment options. There is much here that’s new: brand-new content, expanded discussions, and more graphical elements than ever before. Chapters follow a consistent structural template, with discussions of diagnosis, instrumentation, treatment and management techniques, and more. Expertly and succinctly captures all the fundamentals of the field!
Marino’s The ICU Book 4th Edition Paul Marino 978-1-4511-8869-1 / 1100 pp / October 2013
A fundamental and respected book in critical care, The ICU Book, 4th Edition, continues to provide the practical guidance that have made it the best-selling text in critical care. The text addresses both the medical and surgical aspects of critical care, delivering the guidance needed to ensure sound, safe, and effective treatment for patients in intensive care—regardless of the specialty focus of the unit. It has a problem-based approach which teaches critical thinking and mirrors the decision-making process of the intensive care unit. Expert perspectives from Dr.Marino, and ‘Final Word’ summaries at the end of each chapter, highlight key points, improving retention of key concepts. Pocket Medicine 7th Edition Marc Sabatine 978-1-9751-5004-4 / 272 pp / September 2019 The flagship volume in the popular Pocket Notebook Series, Pocket Medicine , 7th Edition, is a must-have resource for fast answers to diagnostic questions you’ll face on rounds and exams. It provides up-to-date, dependable guidance on the internal medicine information needed to make an accurate diagnosis and develop a treatment plan. Compiled by residents and attending physicians at Massachusetts General Hospital, this best-selling reference ensures that quick access to key clinical information and solutions to common problems in internal medicine is as close as your pocket! ***The Pocket Notebook Series was always designed to fit in the pocket of the medical student’s white coat but as the popularity and usefulness of the title expanded to PAs, NPs, and beyond and the practice of wearing white coats moved towards wearing scrubs, we wanted to make the series even easier to keep with you where you needed it- in your pocket. With this latest edition, we have removed the bulkier hard plastic cover and changed the binding to a plastic spiral to make the book even easier to use while on the go.
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