2021 Textbook Catalogue
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Clinical Laboratory & Clinical Medicine
Blueprints Neurology 5th Edition Frank Drislane 978-1-4963-8739-4 / 296 pp / December 2018
Designing Clinical Research 4th Edition Stephen Hulley, Steven Cummings, Warren Browner, Deborah Grady & Thomas Newman 978-1-60831-804-9 / 378 pp / June 2015 Designing Clinical Research sets the standard for providing a practical guide to planning, tabulating, formulating, and implementing clinical research, with an easy-to-read, uncomplicated presentation. Emphasis is on common sense as the main ingredient of good science. It presents advanced epidemiologic concepts in a reader-friendly way, and suggests common sense approaches to the challenging judgments involved in designing, funding, and implementing. NMS Surgery 7th Edition Bruce Jarrell, MD 978-1-9751-1288-2 / 640 pp / June 2021 Now in a portable pocket-sized format packed with high-yield information, updates, and revisions that reflect the current practice of surgery, NMS Surgery , Seventh Edition, is an ideal guide for effective study and review. The new edition retains the elements that have made it a dependable, go-to resource for a generation of medical students and a quick review resource for practitioners preparing for recertification. Featuring new study aids, full color illustrations, concise, high-yield coverage, and USMLE-format questions, the new edition helps students successfully complete their clerkship and prepare for the shelf/end-of-rotation exam. In addition, this valuable resource is packaged with access to the interactive eBook version with an online quiz bank at no additional cost. NMS Surgery Casebook 3rd Edition Bruce Jarrell, MD 978-1-9751-1238-7 / 512 pp / October 2021 Ideal as a stand-alone review or as a perfect companion to NMS Surgery, Seventh Edition, this leading casebook for the surgical rotation presents a series of surgical cases that begin with a clinical scenario and progress step by step through the decision-making process of patient management. Concise and portable, NSM Surgery Casebook , Third Edition fits in a lab coat pocket—ideal for review on the wards. Retaining the structured subject review, practice questions for the USMLE Step 2 exam, and focus on helping students work through clinical cases with a unique “what next” approach to decision making, this third edition offers a new full color design, new study aids, and key updates throughout NEW NEW
Succinct, logically organized, and supported by more than 100 board-style review questions, Blueprints Neurology delivers a complete review of key topics and concepts optimized for clerkship, shelf review, and USMLE preparation. This concise approach pares coverage to a perfect length for clerkship rotations and reinforces understanding with clinical vignettes, detailed diagnostic and treatment information, and case-based review questions at the end of the book with complete answer explanations. Blueprints Pediatrics 7th Edition Bradley Marino 978-1-4963-9646-4 / 416 pp / February 2019 Clear, concise, and complete with more than 100 board-style review questions, Blueprints Pediatrics delivers a succinct, “need-to-know” review perfect for a pediatrics rotation and exams. This thoroughly revised, updated, full-colour edition makes clerkship and exam preparation more approachable than ever. Engaging narratives guide students through each chapter accompanied by robust learning features, clinical vignettes, and UMSLE-style review questions with complete answers and rationales to reinforce key points. Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine 5th Edition Brian P. Griffin 978-1-4963-1260-0 / 1172 pp / October 2018 An ideal reference for residents, fellows, practitioners, and nurse practitioners, Manual of Cardiovascular Medicine , 5th Edition is a concise, up-to-date overview of key topics in cardiology. Using a practical, outline format, this best-selling title presents evidence- based approaches to cardiovascular diagnosis, diseases, and treatment – perfect for daily practice or exam preparation.
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