Backlist Titles – Neurology/Psychiatry
Key Backlist Title Feedback:
Higgins: The Neuroscience of Clinical Psychiatry, 2e: Market feedback? Y2 sales have
dropped off: 819 units compared to 1300 in Y1
Klykylo: Green’s Child and Adolescent Clinical Psychopharmacology, 5e: Market
Ruiz: Substance Abuse Handbook 2e: Market feedback?
Specialty Questions:
Holes in the specialty: epilepsy review book, what else? What revisions would you
like to see?
Looking for editor recommendations for Sadock franchise and board review.
Lowinson & Ruiz Substance Abuse: feedback? Sales are down. Is it priced too high?
Too big? Too much overlap with ASAM?
Holes in the specialty: What’s missing? Needs revisions?