Wolters Kluwer – For internal use only
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Updated December 2014
Title Type
Comprehensive Textbooks
Concise Textbooks
(previously Fix)
“This is an atlas with
brain cuts in every way
you would need along
with X rays and other
brain imaging. This was
one of the few books
this year that I have
actually found very
useful. It would be very
hard to learn
neuroanatomy lab
without a good atlas so
I highly recommend this
book if you are taking a
neuro lab course.”
neuroanatomy book!
Absolute need for
neuro unit! I consulted it
throughout the entire
med school
neuroscience course.
Highly recommended!!”
“It is a terrific book
of neuroscience. Other
textbooks on market
are either too brief on
neurophysiology or
dwell too much on the
field biochemistry. The
best thing about this
book is that it touches
on every aspects of
comprehensively and
specifically catered for
medical students. The
arrangement is
coherent and it is easy
to follow the flow of the
book, which explained
each part of the
nervous system by its
afferent and efferent
connections. Diagrams
are adequate and the
pathways are vividly
“This is a
spectacular textbook. It
is very well written and
very easy to
“I think this book is
great to use as a start
when learning
If more in depth
knowledge is required
other books will be
needed, but this is
excellent to start with.
Highly recommend
“This book is very
good as the first start of
medical student as it
contains enough
information for the
basics of anatomy of
the CNS. When I want
to review brain anatomy
I always return to it as it
is easy to read and
remember with its
beautiful illustrations for
the pathways and good
gross anatomy
“I have found this
book immensely helpful
in preparing for my
Neurology course in
med school. The
chapters are well
presented on a system
basis with numerous,
helpful illustrations and
good review questions
at the end of each
chapter and an entire
chapter at the end of
the book focused on
locating lesions. For
USMLE Step 1, it is a
good resource for a
functional approach to
neurology and its
concise length prevents
it from being too
“… this book is very
clear and readable...
Highly recommended.”
“This book presents
neuroscience from an
anatomical perspective.
It is clear and concise
and is appropriate for
all levels of learners.
The anatomical
perspective of
photographs and charts
provides a level of
clarity for all visual
learners while the text
provides wonderful in-
depth descriptions of all
pertinent structures.”
“Found it very useful
in preparing for
fellowship exams.
Recommend to all
neurosurgical trainees
and those needing to
learn neuroanatomy.”
“This was a required
textbook for my
Neuroscience courses
in chiropractic school,
and it suited me very
well (I'd say even better
than the other required
“…The title says it’s
a review but it is in fact
an excellent textbook of
around 400 pages. The
book is well organized
and the highlight of this
book are the
Illustrations. The
illustrations are very
explanatory and
pleasing. The text is
written with a clinical
orientation and is easy
to follow. The chapters
are discussed with a
approach... There are a
few teaching boxes
which I loved, the one
on decerebrate and
decorticate posturing,
really well explained.
There are a few
questions at the end of
each chapter which one
may use for review…”
“Made the mistake of
attempting to use this
as a primary resource
to review class
material. This requires
a solid basic
understanding of neuro
to use. The questions
were great review for
class materials before
exams. I anticipate this
will be useful for
USMLE Step 1 review,
just not as useful
DURING a first pass at
“The new edition is
light years ahead of the
prior and has a boat
load of questions. Of
the other "review" style
books, this is my
favorite for explanations
and great illustrations.”
“…the book is a
great book and I use it
all the time in my
Neuroscience class in
Medical school. The
questions are hard but
it helps with the
learning and the
explanations are great.
I would recommend this
“A monotonous
subject like neurology
can be made
interesting by clinical
scenarios. The answers
are very
comprehensive. A good
book before the exam.”
“…a very essential
supplement for medical
school to really nail
down the concepts. If
you learn by testing
yourself this is a good
book. The answers are
Also available in Medical Education (MedEd):
Fix [Gould & Brueckner, 5e/2015]: High-Yield Neuroanatomy, 4e (concise review book
) http://thepoint.lww.com/Book/Show/3054
Gould: Lippincott’s Pocket Neuroanatomy, 1e (pocket-sized quick reference
) http://thepoint.lww.com/Book/Show/366700
Gould & Brueckner: Sidman’s Neuroanatomy Learning Tool, 2e (workbook
) http://thepoint.lww.com/Book/Show/2885Health Professions (HP) Options:
Bear: Neuroscience: Exploring the Brain, 4e (comprehensive textbook, behavior and research information included)
Bhatnagar: Neuroscience for Communicative Disorders, 4e (textbook for SLH programs
) http://thepoint.lww.com/Book/Show/237800#