2015 Winter Sales Meeting Materials
E XERCISE P HYSIOLOGY : I NTEGRATING T HEORY AND P RACTICE , S ECOND E DITION William Kraemer, Steven Fleck, Michael Deschenes 978-1-4511-9319-0 / February 2014 Help your students develop an understanding of exercise physiology concepts and their application athletic performance and well-being with Exercise Physiology, 2e . Using an engaging evidence-based approach that combines research and theory with practical discussions of nutrition and training, the authors help students understand how the human body works and responds to exercise. The Second Edition includes new video clips, a fresh new design, and enhanced online teaching and learning resources to save you time and help your students succeed. 3 New video clips from experts demonstrate fascinating, real-life applications to a variety of exercise science careers. 3 A more streamlined and applied endocrine chapter connects more with other chapters and better prepares students for their future careers. New and Unique Features:
Instructor Resources: 3 A pre-created PowerPoint Presentation speeds lecture preparation. 3 A Test Bank of chapter-specific questions saves you time in building quizzes and exams 3 A complete image bank enhances lecture and exam preparation. 3 LMS cartridges allow you to connect to your preferred course management system with ease. 3 Answers to Review Questions speed student assessment. Student Resources: 3 Animations demonstrate complex concepts in a dynamic, memorable way. 3 Video Clips from experts demonstrate fascinating, real- life applications in a variety of exercise science careers. 3 Quizzes provided unlimited online practice to help ensure content mastery. 3 Additional Ask the Expert boxes provide additional real world perspectives. 3 Electronic Flashcards provide a handy tool for review and self-testing.
3 Enhanced art and photos bring concepts to life.
3 Ask the Expert boxes present key issues from the real-world perspective of experts and industry leaders. 3 Case studies with scenarios and questions prepare students for practice and build their critical thinking skills.
3 Real-world sports examples show concepts in action.
3 Practical Questions from Students boxes answer the types of questions frequently asked of the authors by their students to clarify complex topics and dispel misconceptions.
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