Medical Reference Catalogue 2015
The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult Edition
The 5 Minute Urology Consult
Seventh Edition
Third Edition
Michael Cabana MD
Leonard G Gomella MD
Jefferson University
Specialty: Pediatrics
Series: The 5-Minute Consult Series
Specialty: Urology
Series: The 5-Minute Consult Series
May 2015 / Hardcover
Approx. 832 pp / Approx. 115 Tables
Standard Edition(Print + 10-Day Web Trial Access): 978-1-4511-9102-8
Premium Edition(Print + 1-Year Online & Mobile Acess): 978-1-4511-9103-5
December 2014 / Hardcover
Approx. 880 pp
The 5-Minute Pediatric Consult
provides immediate, practical advice on problems seen in infants, children, and adolescents.
More than 450 diseases are covered in the fast-access two-page outline format that makes The 5-Minute Consult Series titles
so popular among busy clinicians. Other features include a Chief Complaints section addressing the workup and treatment
of 50 signs and symptoms. The medication index, syndromes glossary, surgical glossary, laboratory values, and tables will
appear online only for the 7th edition toallow space for more topics without growing the size of the book.
This essential, easy-to-read text was designed to aid in the diagnosis and treatment of urologic problems quickly and
efficiently. Engineered for crystal clarity, and chock-full of information and action items, the “5-Minute Consult” series
includes facts and recommendations as informed by the most current data available, sourced from actual patient
consultations and further reviewed by top academics and physicians. An invaluable resource for urologists, this book is
perfect for the busy specialist or practitioner who deals with urologic conditions on a daily basis, as well as residents and
fellows prepping for their certification exams.
• Topics include adult and pediatric urology, and the subspecialties of urologic oncology, endourology, female urology,
neurourology, andrology, infectious diseases, and renal transplantation
• International editorial board captured the widest array of diseases and conditions expressed worldwide
• Over 300 major diseases and conditions, with a lexicon of over 1,300 key concepts, diseases, complaints and conditions
• Visual algorithms and charts enhance clarity
• Drug Reference section outlines hundreds of urologic drugs and dosages
• Readable, two-color design and two-page layout