2015 LWW Nursing Education Catalogue
SimulationSimplified: StudentLabManual ForCriticalCareNursing SandraGoldsworthy 978-1-4511-4469-7 •March2012 • Softbound •8.375” x10.875” •68pp. • 10 Illus.
This Student LabManual includes 10 clinical scenarios to accompany simulations encountered within the simulation lab, and activities to measure success along the way. Each lesson includes suggested pre- reading toprepare studentsprior to the simulation. Inaddition, a series of critical thinking and reflection questions help students to apply critical caretheorytoclinical practice, andevaluatetheirunderstanding of the scenario after the simulation. Students also have access to 10 videos of the scenarios being performed that they can locate through thePoint. Features • Ten chapters related toa specific topicof critical patient care. • Each chapter has anaccompanyingvideovignette. • Learningexercises, critical thinkingquestions, and reflective questions tobuild student comprehensionbeforeandafter simulation.
Table of Contents Ch. 1: Myocardial InfarctionCase 1.0 Ch. 2: HypovolemicShockCase2.0 Ch. 3: AbdominalAorticAneurysm RepairCase3.0 Ch. 4: ClosedHead InjuryCase4.0 Ch. 5: AdultRespiratoryDistress Syndrome (ARDS)Case5.0 Ch. 6: Renal FailureCase6.0 Ch. 7: Liver FailureCase7.0 Ch. 8: TraumaCase8.0 Ch. 9: SepticShockCase9.0 Ch. 10: DrugOverdoseCase 10.0 AppendixA: SystematicApproach to Arrhythmia Interpretation AppendixB: SystematicApproach: 12-LeadECG Interpretation AppendixC: VasoactiveDrip Calculations AppendixD: Arterial BloodGas Interpretation AppendixE: PulmonaryArtery Waveforms AppendixF: CriticalCare Pharmacology AppendixG: Abnormal LabValues and Assessment Findings AppendixH: HemodynamicAlgorithm Appendix I: FamilyConference
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