Weinstein Lovell and Winters Pediatric Orthopaedics 7e
CHAPTER 11 | Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis
Comparison of JRA, JCA, and JIA Classifications
TABLE 11-1
Committee Age at onset
EULAR < 16 yr > 3 mo
< 16 yr > 6 wk
< 16 yr > 6 wk
Disease duration
Onset types
Pauciarticular Polyarticular Systemic
Pauciarticular Polyarticular RF-negative Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis Systemic Juvenile psoriatic arthritis Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis
Oligoarticular, persistent Oligoarticular, extended Polyarticular RF-negative Polyarticular RF-positive Systemic Psoriatic arthritis Enthesitis-related arthritis
Juvenile psoriatic arthritis Juvenile ankylosing spondylitis Inflammatory bowel disease Other forms of juvenile arthritis
Other forms of juvenile arthritis
Other forms of juvenile arthritis
RF, rheumatoid factor.
Criteria for Classification of JIA
TABLE 11-2
Exclusions a
Inclusion Criteria b
JIA Subtype Oligoarthritis Persistent Extended
≤ 4 joints during disease course > 4 joints after the first 6 mo
Arthritis affecting ≥ 5 joints during the first 6 mo Arthritis affecting ≥ 5 joints during the first 6 mo, plus RF positivity on two occasions more than 3 mo apart
Polyarthritis RF-negative Polyarthritis RF-positive
1–3, 5
Arthritis with or preceded by daily fever of at least 2 weeks’ duration, accompanied by one or more of the following: Evanescent, nonfixed erythematous rash Generalized adenopathy Hepatomegaly or splenomegaly Serositis Arthritis and psoriasis, or arthritis and at least two of the following: a. Dactylitis b. Nail abnormalities (pitting or onycholysis) c. Family history of psoriasis in a first-degree relative Arthritis and enthesitis, or arthritis or enthesitis with at least two of the following: 1. SI joint tenderness and/or inflammatory spinal pain 2. Presence of HLA-B27 3. Family history of HLA-B27–associated disease in a first-degree relative 4. Onset of arthritis in a male after the age of 6 yr Children with arthritis of unknown cause that persists ≥ 6 wk Does not fulfill criteria for any of the other categories Fulfills criteria for ≥ 1 of the other categories
1, 4, 5
a Exclusions: 1, psoriasis in the patient or a first-degree relative; 2, arthritis in an HLA-B27 positive male beginning after the sixth birthday; 3, ankylosing spondylitis, enthesitis-related arthritis, sacroiliitis with IBD, Reiter syndrome, or acute anterior uveitis in a first-degree relative; 4, IgM RF on at least two occasions more than 3 mo apart; 5, presence of systemic JIA. b Inclusion criteria for all subtypes: 1, age at onset < 16 yr; 2, arthritis in one or more joints; 3, duration of disease is at least 6 wk. From Petty RE, et al. International League of Associations for Rheumatology classification of juvenile idiopathic arthritis: second revision, Edmonton, 2001. J Rheumatol 2004;31(2):390–392.
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