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A. Budget Foot Model Set CHM312 • Life-size, depicting flat foot, arched foot and normal foot. Does not dissect. Each foot has 23 numbered parts corresponding to key card. B. Deluxe Foot Models NS1 normal foot • Each of these life-size models features the anatomical structure of the foot and the distal end of the tibia. One piece, does not dissect. • Somso ® Modelle, size: 5-1/2“x 10“x 4“ C. Foot and Ankle Model G198 • Right foot features the platar calcaneonavicular (spring) ligament with plantar fascitis. Also includes tibia, fibula, calcaneus, calcaneal (Achilles) tendon, deltoid ligament, lateral (collateral) ligament, plantar aponeurosis, cuneiform, phalanges, cuboid, navicular and metatarsal bones. Removable from base. Includes patient education card. • Size: 9“x 2-3/4“x 4“ D. Functional Model of the Foot and Ankle NS54 • Right foot and ankle with ligamentous apparatus. Demonstrates rotary movements, bending and extension. Includes teaching manual. Removable from green ® stand. Does not dissect. Made of SOMSO-Plast. ® • Somso ® Modelle, size: 7“x 10-1/2“x 12-1/2“ E. Hand and Wrist Model G192 • Life-size model of left hand, wrist and forearm features: distal, middle and proximal phalanges of the thumb, metacarpal bones, joint capsule ligaments, thenar muscle, palmar carpal ligament, median nerve, flexor digitorum superficialis tendons, triquetrum, pisiform, hamate, hook of hamate, flexor digitorum profundus tendons, palmaris longus tendon, interosseous membrane, radius and ulna. Palmar carpal ligament lifts to show nerves and ligaments. Removable from base. Includes patient education card. • Size: 11-1/2“x 3-3/4“x 1-1/4“ F. Functional Model of the Hand and Wrist NS55 • Right hand with portion of radius, ulna, and ligamentous apparatus. Bending, extension, abduction and adduction of the fingers and palmar flexion can be demonstrated. Removable from green ® stand. Includes teaching manual. Does not dissect. • Somso ® Modelle, size: 7“x 7-1/2“x 12-1/2“
Skeletal Models
B. NS1
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