Transcultural Concepts in Nursing Care
TIP also emphasizes the contributions of persons (patients/clients) who are being served transcul turally to participate in sharing their views of their own cultural care practices with the healthcare team . We know that there are few care plans used in nursing within healthcare organizations that include the patient’s own views of their health and their cultural care practices. In a culturally diverse world and as the need for transcultural nursing becomes even more relevant, the rein forcement of theories, or the emergence of new transcultural nursing theories, will continue to improve the practice of person-centered care and ultimately enhance the discipline of transcultural nursing and contribute to the legacy created by Leininger in the 1950s. As we witness rapid changes in science, tech nology and artificial intelligence (AI) and robot ics, genetics, genomics, population healthcare, economics, geopolitics, transportation, demo graphics, migration and immigration, refugee challenges, religious ideologies, wars, and global issues including DEI, human rights, and social justice, nurses are challenged to understand new ways of engaging with persons and professional colleagues transculturally. In complexity sciences and the generation of enormous quantities of research of every affiliation and diverse philo sophical, political, technological, and religious perspective, we can see the interconnectedness of everything in the universe and the necessity for discernment and evaluation of what is really hap pening in the world. Theoretical and experiential cultural knowledge about our responsibilities to one another and the world community is thus growing and impacts the need for intense com munication to examine and solve problems both locally and globally. Continuing to identify rele vant issues to promote health, human safety, and improve the quality of life of all people is a major goal of thoughtful transcultural healthcare profes sionals. These developments have shaped Boyle, Collins, Ludwig-Beymer, and Andrews’ paradig matic, theoretical and practical thinking in the ninth edition. Their interest in addressing the his torical and ideological challenges throughout the
lifespan of the interconnectedness of all through their Transcultural Interprofessional Practice Model (TIP Theory) illuminates the necessity for increased collaboration and communication with all healthcare professionals and politicians who are serving diverse citizens, including indig enous peoples, to address the complexity of the age. Additionally, migration with multiple lan guages represented, the developments of inno vative approaches to learning, AI, robotics, and the digital age in general challenge all transcul tural nurses to appreciate the meaning of trans culturality or interculturality in the provision of culturally congruent, safe, and competent care. The key concepts identified in the TIP Model are context, the interprofessional healthcare team, communication, and the problem-solving pro cess . The cultural context (health-related beliefs and practices that weave together environmental, economic, social, religious, moral, legal, political, educational, biophysical, genetic, and technologi cal factors) encourage transcultural nurses and the interprofessional healthcare team (nurses, physicians, social workers, therapists, pharma cists, clients, and others) to become more aware of the meaning of cross-cultural communica tion among clients, families, families of choice, significant others, “folk” and traditional healers, and religious and spiritual healers and members of organizations to facilitate solving problems in a complex world. The problem-solving steps in this text include comprehensive holistic patient/ client assessment, mutual goal setting, planning, implementation of the plan of action and inter ventions, and evaluation of the plan for effec tiveness to achieve the stated goals and desired outcomes; providing culturally congruent and competent care; delivering quality care that is safe and affordable; and ensuring that the care is evidence-based with best practices.
As I reflect on the work of my colleagues, Joyceen Boyle, John Collins, Patti Ludwig Beymer, and Margaret Andrews, not only within the pages of this book, but also, what each of them has accomplished over many years as inno vators, leaders, teachers, researchers, classroom, Copyright © 2023 Wolters Kluwer, Inc. Unauthorized reproduction of the content is prohibited.
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