Textbook Catalogue 2016
Essentials of Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry T. Lemke, D.Williams, V. Roche, W. Zito 978-1-45119-206-3 / 528 pp / 500 illus / May 2016 / £44.00 €53.00
Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry, 7th Edition T. Lemke, D. Williams, V. Roche, W. Zito
Acclaimed by students and instructors alike, Foye’s Principles of Medicinal Chemistry is now in its Seventh Edition, featuring updated chapters plus new material that meets the needs of today’s medicinal chemistry courses. This latest edition offers an unparalleled presentation of drug discovery and pharmacodynamic agents, integrating principles of medicinal chemistry with pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, and clinical pharmacy. All the chapters have been written by an international team of respected researchers and academics. Careful editing ensures thoroughness, a consistent style and format, and easy navigation throughout the text.
978-1-45117-572-1 / 1520 pp / 1739 illus, 60 tables / 2012 / £58.00 €70.00
Clinical Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Applications, 4th Edition M. Rowland, T. Tozer
Formerly Clinical Pharmacokinetics: Concepts and Clinical Applications , this fully updated Fourth Edition has been re-titled Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics: Concepts and Clinical Applications to reflect the increasing body of knowledge linking the two concepts that explain the relationship between drug administration and drug response. This revised edition also reflects the explosion in our understanding at the molecular and mechanistic levels of all the processes controlling the pharmacokinetics of drugs. 978-0-7817-5009-7 / 864 pp / 470 illus, 180 tables / 2010 / £64.00 €77.00
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