Textbook Catalogue 2016
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults, 7th Edition C. Miller
Nursing for Wellness in Older Adults provides comprehensive, easy-to- understand coverage of the theory and practice of gerontological nursing, addressing both physiologic and psychosocial aspects of aging, as well as broader issues such as cultural competence and legal and ethical concerns. Organised around the author’s unique Functional Consequences Theory, the book explores age-related changes as well as the risk factors that often interfere with optimal health and functioning. 978-1-4511-9083-0 / 656 pp / 150 illus / 2014 / £58.00 €70.00
Maternal-Neonatal Maternal-Neonatal Care Made Incredibly Easy! 1st UK Edition S. Nurse
This book offers everything you need to know to perform competent and safe maternal and neonatal nursing care. It covers fundamentals, such as fetal development, legal issues and ethical issues; family planning, including advantages and disadvantages to contraception methods; infertility; perinatal periods, from conception to labor; postnatal maternal and neonatal care and assessment and more. It also features physiologic and psychologic adaptations to pregnancy, complications of labor and birth, complications of the postnatal period and high-risk neonatal conditions. 978-1-9018-3108-5 / 544pp / 200 illus / 2009 / £27.50 €33.00
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