Textbook Catalogue 2016
Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Neuroscience C. Krebs, E. Akesson, J. Weinberg
This new title to the best-selling Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews series will present essential coverage of neuroscience focusing on topics related to human health and disease. Lippincott’s Illustrated Reviews: Neuroscience will include the popular features of the series: abundance of full colour, annotated illustrations; expanded outline format; chapter summaries; review questions; and case studies that link basic science to real-life clinical situations. 978-1-4511-1045-6 / 528 pp / 376 illus, 25 tables / 2011 / £26.95 €32.00
Lippincott Illustrated Reviews: Integrated Systems S. Leeper-Woodford, L. Adkinson For further information, please see Anatomy. 978-1-4963-1518-2 / 464 pp / Jul 2015 / £27.99 €34.00
Essential Neuroscience, 3rd Edition A. Siegel, H. Sapru
Essential Neuroscience offers a concise, clinically relevant text in neuroscience that gives equal weight to the branches of science represented within neuroscience-anatomy, physiology, biology, and chemistry. In addition to being succinct and balanced in its coverage, Essential Neuroscience incorporates many pedagogical features that students find useful in gaining conceptual mastery of a discipline. These features include high-yield summary tables of important facts for each chapter; clinical scenarios; a glossary of key terms; summary-type outlines, and revision questions. 978-1-4511-8968-1 / 608 pp / 306 illus, 49 tables / 2014 / £37.50 €45.00
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