Textbook Catalogue 2016
Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide, 7th Edition B. Cohen
The Seventh Edition of Medical Terminology: An Illustrated Guide is geared to the midlevel medical terminology course, and includes moderate amounts of anatomy and physiology. The author uses a step-by-step approach to learning medical terminology. The current edition includes a robust student ancillary package delivered under the PASSport to Success brand, with assessment exercises, chapter quizzes, and searchable text online, and a complete suite of instructor resources. The addition of PrepU as a packaging option provides a powerful value to students - the online study experience helps them to understand and retain course information and
helps instructors to better assess what their students may be struggling with. 978-1-4511-8756-4 / 720 pp / 344 full colour illus, 59 tables / 2013 / £56.00 €67.00
Stedman’s Dictionary for the Health Professions and Nursing, 7th Edition Stedman’s
Featuring more than 56,000 entries, this thoroughly updated Seventh Edition contains the medical terminology used in more than 30 of today’s fastest growing health profession areas—plus comprehensive inclusion of entries suited for the nursing field. The book includes 1,000 enriched colour images and photographs, a glossy insert with detailed images by Anatomical Chart Company, more than 65 appendices, and cut thumb tabs for quick A-to-Z reference. 978-1-60831-692-2 / 2,439 pp / 502 illus, 54 tables / 2011 / £31.95 €38.00
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