
Treatment of Older Preschool Children: Beginning Stuttering 14

Chapter Outline

Chapter Objectives After studying this chapter, readers should be able to: ■ ■ Describe the characteristics of a child who has beginning stuttering ■ ■ Describe the author’s beliefs about stut tering, targets in treatment, goals for treatment, how much to involve feelings and attitudes in treatment, and mainte nance procedures ■ ■ Delineate the procedures involved in the Lidcombe Program, the stages of therapy, and the criteria to complete each stage ■ ■ Describe the procedures for Stuttering Modification Treatment ■ ■ Explain how formal training may be obtained for using the Lidcombe Program ■ ■ Outline the components of Sheryl Gottwald’s “multidimensional approach” ■ ■ Describe a number of different approaches to working on stuttering co occurring concomitant speech or lan guage problems

An Integrated Approach Author’s Beliefs Nature of Stuttering

Speech Behaviors Targeted for Therapy Fluency Goals Feelings and Attitudes Maintenance Procedures Clinical Methods Clinical Procedures: Lidcombe Program Stuttering Modification Treatment Another Clinician’s Approach: Sheryl Gottwald Children Who Stutter With Minimal Struggle Children Who Stutter With Moderate to Severe Struggle Termination Supporting Data on Gottwald’s Multidimensional Approach Treatment of Concomitant Speech and Language Problems Modifying the Environment Modifying the Child’s Speech

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Evaluation Treatment

Sequential Model Concurrent Model Cycles Model


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