David E. Elder, MD, ChB, FRCPA Professor of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hospital of the University of Pennsylvania Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Alina Dulau Florea, MD Hematopathologist Staff Physician Department of Laboratory Medicine Clinical Center National Institutes of Health Bethesda, Maryland Joaquín J. García, MD Associate Professor Mayo Clinic School of Medicine Vice Chair, Anatomic Pathology Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology Mayo Clinic
Kim HooKim, MD Assistant Professor Department of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology
Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania S. David Hudnall, MD Professor Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Yale University School of Medicine Attending Hematopathologist Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine
Yale New Haven Hospital New Haven, Connecticut Sergio A. Jimenez, MD Professor and Co-Director
Jefferson Institute of Molecular Medicine Director, Connective Tissue Diseases Section Associate Director, Joan and Joel Rosenbloom Center for Fibrotic Diseases, Director, Scleroderma Center Thomas Jefferson University Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Lawrence C. Kenyon, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Pathology, Anatomy and Cell Biology Thomas Jefferson University Surgical Pathologist and Neuropathologist Department of Pathology Thomas Jefferson University Hospital Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Michael J. Klein, MD Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Weill Cornell School of Medicine Pathologist in Chief Emeritus Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hospital for Special Surgery New York, New York David S. Klimstra, MD Professor Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Weill Cornell Medical College Attending Pathologist and Chairman Department of Pathology Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center New York, New York David Benner Lombard, MD, PhD Associate Professor Department of Pathology and Institute of Gerontology Attending Pathologist
Rochester, Minnesota Roberto A. Garcia, MD Associate Attending Pathologist Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Hospital for Special Surgery New York, New York Jonathan N. Glickman, MD, PhD Associate Professor
Department of Pathology Harvard Medical School Director of Surgical Pathology Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Boston, Massachusetts Krzysztof Glomski, MD, PhD Resident Department of Pathology Massachusetts General Hospital Boston, Massachusetts J. Clay Goodman, MD, FAAN Professor Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, and Neurology Baylor College of Medicine Houston, Texas Avrum I. Gotlieb, MDCM, FRCPC Professor Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiology University of Toronto Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania J. Charles Jennette, MD Kenneth M. Brinkhous Distinguished Professor and Chair Department of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine School of Medicine Chief of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine Services UNC Hospitals Executive Director, UNC Nephropathology Division University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Chapel Hill, North Carolina Toronto, Ontario, Canada Jennifer L. Hammers, DO Cyril H. Wecht and Pathology Associates
Department of Pathology University of Michigan Ann Arbor, Michigan Barbara A. Sampson, MD, PhD Chief Medical Examiner Of«ce of Chief Medical Examiner Chairman and Professor Forensic Medicine NYU Langone Medical Center New York, New York SAMPLE
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