Snell's Clinical Neuroanatomy


Preface. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi Acknowledgments. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii ColorAtlasofBrain....................... ix

CHAPTER 1 Organization of the Nervous System 1 CHAPTER 2 Neurons and Neuroglia 33 CHAPTER 3 Nerve Fibers and Peripheral Innervation 71 CHAPTER 4 Spinal Cord and Ascending, Descending, and Intersegmental Tracts 131 CHAPTER 5 Brainstem 185 CHAPTER 6 Cranial Nerve Nuclei 226 CHAPTER 7 Cerebellum and Its Connections 267 CHAPTER 8 Reticular Formation and Limbic System 288 CHAPTER 9 Basal Nuclei (Basal Ganglia) 299 CHAPTER 10 Thalamus 312 CHAPTER 11 Hypothalamus 322 CHAPTER 12 Autonomic Nervous System 336 CHAPTER 13 Cerebrum 366 CHAPTER 14 Structure and Functional Localization of the Cerebral Cortex 397 CHAPTER 15 Meninges 417 CHAPTER 16 Ventricular System and Cerebrospinal Fluid 435 CHAPTER 17 Blood Supply of the Brain and Spinal Cord 463 CHAPTER 18 Nervous System Development 487

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