Sales Training 2014 - E-Products

Lippincott Advisor

Search and Results

Enhanced search returns a list of results containing the search term and number of results. Results are categorized by source (monographs, by type; patient handouts, MEDLINE, and National Guidelines). Consistent format in every monograph Images, cross links to relevant content are included at the menu at the right as well as are included in the monograph body.

Search entire site or by category (drugs, books, evidenced-based nursing, journals, guidelines, patient education, clinical updates, images and news). Advanced

LA provides more specialized queries, which provides a more successful search.

Search allows query with a focus (diagnosis, treatment, etiology, prognosis, or any).


Book and journal oriented. Each book and journal formatted differently. 46 diseases monographs are included- those are consistently formatted.

Mosby’s creates a more difficult user experience for nurses at the point of care.

Users don’t always know where to look to find the information they need in MNC. In LA, there’s no searching through long textbook articles or complicated chains to get to the relevant information. In seconds you see what you’re looking for. LA has consistent use of terms across all topic areas. This means that the most medically acceptable terminology is used across topic areas, for example, acute respiratory distress syndrome, the more medically accepted term, is used in all topic areas instead of a mix of acute respiratory distress syndrome and adult respiratory distress syndrome. Many facilities already have access to patient handouts and may not wish to have additional conflicting resources.

Patient Handouts included

1. MedFacts Patient Handouts are included at no extra cost. we offer 3,996 patient handouts. 2. McKesson Handouts available. Two packages are available: A includes Adult Advisor, Pediatric Advisor, Senior Advisor, and Women's Health Advisor; B includes Behavioral Health Advisor, Cardiology Advisor, Eye Advisor, and Sports Medicine Advisor.

Yes. McKesson Patient Handouts included with subscription.

(MNC site says 8,000 patient handouts are available)


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