Rosen's Breast Pathology, 4e


Chapter 11

FIG. 11.42.  DCIS in sclerosing adenosis. A: This pattern of apocrine DCIS in SA might be mistaken for invasive carcinoma. B: The combined cytokeratin ( red ) and actin ( brown ) immunostain dem- onstrates actin-positive myoepithelial cells around all of the cytokeratin-positive epithelial cells (anti-CK, alkaline phosphatase; anti-SMA).

FIG. 11.43.  DCIS near a radial sclerosing lesion. A: A whole-mount histologic section showing dark areas of DCIS in the upper left and a lighter staining stellate RSL that did not contain carcinoma. B: Cribriform DCIS from the upper left region of (A) . C: SA and elastosis, which formed the radial sclerosing lesion.

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