
CHAPTER 11 Interactive Reasoning


Review your concept map and make sure you understand the person’s perspec tive and subjective experiences. Consider how you will use this information to help engage the person in active participation with you. • What life roles does the person have (e.g., family, work/school, community)? • What does the person want and need to do (e.g., daily activities)? What can they do alone? What do they need help with? • How have aspects of the person’s participation changed recently, if at all? • What environments does the person frequent, and what do you need to know about them (e.g., home modifications, transport options in the local community)? • What have they experienced in relation to medical care and therapy in the past? What did they think about those experiences? • How is their current condition or difficulty affecting them? (e.g., how does it affect their activity, their comfort, their quality of life?)

Additional Learning Activities for this chapter can be found on Lippincott Connect.


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