
UNIT II Aspects of Professional Reasoning


clear and specific goals difficult, and studies of people with acquired brain injuries suggest that a process of establishing trust and a strategy of social connection are key to engaging clients with brain injury in the goal setting process in a meaningful way (Prescott et al., 2019). While creating a shared vision forms the bedrock for occupational therapy practice, this vision is not static. It is recalibrated as therapy progresses and out comes become clearer. Continually engaging the client in a shared vision using the powerful tool of skilled interactive reasoning maintains and regularly invigorates their commitment to occupational therapy. The dance continues! SUMMARY In this chapter, we have likened skilled interactive reasoning to a dance. In a dance, while one partner leads, both respond to subtle signs from each other. They work together in partnership, creating something that is beyond either of them. In ther apeutic relationships, occupational therapists are the lead partners. They guide their clients subtly through the therapeutic process, providing direction while pay ing close attention to their clients’ responses. To lead the therapeutic relationship, they need to have awareness and control of their own emotional responses (using EI) and prioritize delivering a professional occupational therapy service. They need to draw on their technical expertise and their experiences of working with other clients and combine this with a deep understanding of their current clients’ pref erences, values, priorities, and circumstances. The dance of interactive reasoning requires them to use this knowledge in a reflexive and interactional way. Every step that occupational therapists and clients take together will shape the next. Occupational therapists also watch for signs from other people in their clients’ lives. Just as reactions from the audience contribute to a dance, and the dancers will respond to them, so too occupational therapists need to pay attention to others who influence their clients’ lives. They need to have a rich understanding of client contexts and use this in their interactive reasoning, with the aim of creating a shared vision for the future. Learning Activity 11-1 Learning activity: Developing a concept map to guide information gathering Purpose: To guide comprehensive information gathering for a specific person receiving therapy, while moving between topics in a flexible and responsive manner. Connections to major clinical reasoning constructs: Interactive reasoning Directions for learners: Identify a specific client about whom you need to gather information. Using the following questions, develop a concept map that will guide you in generating a rich understanding of the person’s life context and needs. A concept map is a diagram in which ideas and information are placed in boxes or circles and connectors are used to indicate their relationships. For example, for this activity, you might have a box/circle for roles and one for daily activities and so forth. Your concept map should consist of categories of infor mation and prompts for specific points you want to explore. You may choose to use an occupational therapy model to organize the information you collect.

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