

This book is an outgrowth of reflection, scholarship, and love. And we might add, persistence, as we are now in the third edition. Our missions have been to help practicing therapists advance their professional reasoning; managers and supervi sors to effectively support their staff members in professional reasoning; teachers become more effective; and assist students appreciate the importance and com plexity of professional reasoning in occupational therapy practice. We have done this work because we believe that the world will be a better and more democratic place if people reach their full potential. Even more importantly, we affirm that reasoning, learning, reflection, and teaching are all acts of love. BOOK THEMES The third edition continues many valued traditions and assumptions about pro fessional reasoning in occupational therapy. As we celebrate our past accom plishments, we look forward as well. Understanding effective reasoning requires a mindful examination of what is involved in the process of reasoning. To that end, we have examined materials from a broad array of research and practice scholars. We continue to invite experts to contribute chapters, while we author chapters within our own areas of expertise. To enrich our planning for this edition, we initiated the Professional Reasoning Colloquium in 2021 for researchers and invited scholars from around the world to discuss emerging knowledge about occupational therapy professional reasoning. We are thankful to Texas Woman’s University School of Oc cupational Therapy and Wolters Kluwer in joining us to sponsor this 2-day online conference and to the over 60 presenters from eight different countries around the world. As a result of input from scholars who attended the Symposium and the new research we found as we prepared for this book, we identified several new themes that we integrated into this new edition. These are: • Professional reasoning across cultures. We adopted the stance of cultural humility by recognizing that much of the scholarship on occupational therapy professional reasoning is based on Western-centric points of view. We are ex cited to find emerging scholarship in Asian and South American countries and have included authors and scholarship from all over the world.

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