OvidEE_Brochure_2017 FINAL WEB
BIOSIS ® Regarded as one of the world’s leading sources of life sciences content, BIOSIS® Suite, is unmatched in comprehensive information. Suite of BIOSIS® Products Include: BIOSIS Previews® • Journal content from Biological Abstracts® along with non-journal content from Biological Abstracts/RRM® • Comprehensive coverage on virtually every life sciences discipline • Coverage spans 1926 to the present • Critical research on current trends and developments Biological Abstracts® • Take advantage of the high standards of journal evaluation process, only life science, peer- reviewed original research journals are indexed • Specialized indexing (MeSH disease terms, CAS Registry, etc) • Available with over 11.3 million records back to 1926 Biological Abstracts/RRM® • Discover new applications, techniques and laboratory methods discussed at meetings, months before they are published in journals. • Track the competition • References over 1,500 meetings, 29,000 patents, 9,000 book reviews and over 24,000 references to review articles Zoological Record • Determine the first appearance of an animal in published literature • Access research in significant fields like biodiversity, ecology and wildlife conservation from the world’s leading source of zoological literature • Check for new species descriptions • Get the most accurate results through specialized indexing from the world’s unofficial register of animal names. Derwent Drug File Derwent Drug File is the definitive source for information on all aspects of drug development, synthesis, evaluation, manufacture and use. It provides references from the worldwide pharmaceutical literature going back to 1964. The highly focused coverage of Derwent Drug File ensures a strong pharmaceutical focus, allowing for precise searching of new developments in the pharmaceutical industry. An estimated 20 percent of the data in Drug File is not available in any other drug database. • Online file contains over 1.5 million records from 1964 to present • Unique indexing enables users to quickly find relevant information • Worldwide literature compiled from 1,200 international journals and conferences for unrivaled coverage.
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