Nursing Practice Catalogue 2017
Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles, Fourth Edition Sharon Baranoski, MSN, RN, CWCN, APN-CCRN September 2015 / Softbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 608 pp. / 349 Illus. / 30 Tables 978-1-4698-8913-9 DESCRIPTION The newly expanded and updated Wound Care Essentials: Practice Principles, 4th edition is your go-to clinical guide to assessing and treating the full range of skin and wound conditions— from common to less common, simple to complex, and acute to chronic. This comprehensive, easy-read handbook provides practical guidance on the many aspects of wound care, including the legal, ethical, psychological, and social aspects. This is an essential guide for advanced practice nurses and nurse practitioners, nursing students, physician’s assistants,
dermatology physicians, family physicians, and physical therapists. Tap into these evidence-based skills and care strategies, and handle the complexities of wound care with confidence. Adopt wound care best practices with this fully illustrated, on-the-spot clinical guide
Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy, Third Edition (Incredibly Easy! Series®) ByWolters Kluwer August 2015 / Softbound / 7" x 9" / 288 pp. / 150 Tables 978-1-4963-0631-9 DESCRIPTION
Wound Care Made Incredibly Easy! be your guide! Tackle the fundamentals of wound care the fun way! Get all the basics on wound care— the fundamental skills and science.
Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society® Core Curriculum: Continence Management (WOCNS® Core Curriculum) Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses Society® August 2015 / Softbound / 8.375" x 10.875" / 368 pp. / 94 Illus. / 34 Tables 978-1-4511-9441-8 DESCRIPTION
This volume in the new Core Curriculum series fromWOCN® covers Continence Management, and is the crucial text for nurses practicing or studying fecal and urinary continence care. It offers pathology and physiology basics in easy-to- grasp terms, while providing expert guidance on patient management. The perfect study guide for the wound, ostomy and continence (WOC) certification exams, it also provides step- by-step direction on essential nursing procedures.
Wolters Kluwer
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