Nursing Education Catalogue 2017


Maternal and Child Health Nursing, Eighth Edition, International Edition Joanne Flagg


October 2017 / Softbound / 1744 pp. 978-1-4963-6532-3 (International Edition) 978-1-4963-4813-5 DESCRIPTION

Maternal and Child Health Nursing follows the family from pre-pregnancy through pregnancy, labor, birth, and the post-partal period. It then follows the child and the family from birth through adolescence. Basic themes that are integrated into this text include the experience of wellness and illness as family-centered events, the perception of pregnancy and childbirth as periods of wellness, and the importance of knowing normal child development in the planning of nursing care. Also included are themes reflective of changes in health care delivery and the importance of meeting the needs of a culturally diverse population. With the use of chapter opening scenarios, critical thinking care studies and patient scenarios this text links theory closely with application that helps students gain a deeper understanding of content and be better prepared in their careers.

Wolters Kluwer


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