Nursing Catalogue 2016
Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Thirteenth Edition Barbara Janson Cohen, BA, MEd
978-1-4511-9374-9 • October 2014 • Hardbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 656 pp. 978-1-4511-9280-3 • September 2014 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 464 pp.
Prepare your students for success in their allied health careers with Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Thirteenth Edition . Acclaimed for its innovations in pedagogy and approach, the book has already helped hundreds of thousands of allied health students (including those with little or no background in science and/ or weak language skills) to master the content of the course. From its pioneering use of phonetic pronunciations to its pedagogically effective skin-to-bone transparencies of the human body, to this edition’s new personalized chapter-by-chapter quizzes powered by prepU; this book continues to set the standard for the one-semester course. Features • Updated Process Diagrams ensure student mastery by calling out the steps of a complex process, such as negative feedback control or maintaining homeostasis and feedback mechanisms. • Revised and updated Disease in Context boxes open each chapter with a familiar scenario that integrates chapter content into a real- life setting, bringing the information to life for students. • Revised and updated Disease in Context Revisited boxes apply the chapter’s concepts to the opening scenario help students increase their analytic abilities. • Increased clinical content in the chapter case studies ask students to evaluate and analyze simple lab tests to help them develop their higher level thinking skills. • Greater emphasis on learning concepts , for example grouping diseases by common causes, provides students with a less encyclopedic and more conceptual approach to the content. • Improved anatomic drawings feature greater accuracy and clarity without increasing the level of complexity. • A full-body transparency insert assists students in performing a virtual dissection of the human body from skin down to bone and allows them to test themselves on their understanding of skin, muscles, bones, veins/arteries, etc. • Full-color dissection photographs from Rohen’s Color Atlas of Anatomy, 6e, show students exactly what they would see in a dissection lab. • Updated Disease inContext chapter-opening boxes bring information to life through medical cases that use familiar scenarios to transport content into real life settings.
Anatomy & Physiology
Table of Contents Unit I: The Body as a Whole Ch. 1: Organization of the Human Body Ch. 2: Chemistry, Matter, and Life Ch. 3: Cells and Their Functions Ch. 4: Tissues, Glands, and Membranes Unit II: Disease and the First Line of Defense Ch. 5: Disease and Disease-Producing Organisms Ch. 6: The Integumentary System Unit III: Movement and Support Ch. 7: The Skeleton: Bones and Joints Ch. 8: The Muscular System Unit IV: Coordination and Control Ch. 9: The Nervous System: The Spinal Cord and Spinal Nerves Ch. 10: The Nervous System: The Brain and Cranial Nerves Ch. 11: The Sensory System Ch. 12: The Endocrine System: Glands and Hormones UnitV: Circulation and Body Defense Ch. 13: The Blood Ch. 14: The Heart and Heart Disease Ch. 15: Blood Vessels and Blood Circulation Ch. 16: The Lymphatic System and Lymphoid Tissue Ch. 17: Immunity UnitVI: Energy: Supply and Use Ch. 18: The Respiratory System Ch. 19: The Digestive System Ch. 20: Metabolism, Nutrition, and Body Temperature Ch. 21: Body Fluids Ch. 22: The Urinary System UnitVII: Perpetuation of Life Ch. 23: The Male and Female Reproductive Systems Ch. 24: Development and Birth Ch. 25: Heredity and Heredity Diseases
Study Guide for Memmler’s The Human Body in Health and Disease, Thirteenth Edition Kerry L. Hull 978-1-4511-9348-0 •September2014 •Softbound
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