Nursing Catalogue 2016


Pediatric Nursing Procedures, Third Edition Vicky R. Bowden, DNSc, RN 978-1-60547-209-6 • April 2011 • Spiralbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 822 pp. • 130 Illus. • 75Tables

This pediatric procedures book provides the student and professional nurse with a quick reference to essential nursing procedures and standards for practice. Its format is easily adaptable to organizational policy and procedure manuals. Tables and charts summarize key diagnostic information or parameters. Features • Simple, step-by-step instructions walk the reader through each procedure. • Procedures have been extensively reviewed by content experts. • Abundant illustrations provide graphic demonstration of positioning and technique. • Community Care Section provides instructions regarding how the child and caregiver would implement or modify a procedure to be completed in the home or other community setting. • Kid Care Sections point out specific information that should be taken into consideration when caring for the pediatric client. • Key Points highlight the main points of the procedure. • Alerts emphasize occasions requiring special care or attention, such as signs of a problem during a procedure.

Table of Contents Ch. 1: Principles of Family Centered Care Ch. 2: Growth & Development Milestones Ch. 3: Principles of Fluid and Nutritional Management Ch. 4: Principles of Pharmacologic Management Ch. 5: Principles of Pain Management Ch. 6: Abdominal Girth Ch. 7: Admission of the Child Ch. 12: Bed and Crib Choices Ch. 13: Blood Drawing from Peripheral Sites: Heel Stick and Finger Stick Ch. 14: Blood Drawing from Peripheral Sites: Venipuncture Ch. 15: Blood Gases Ch. 16: Blood Glucose Monitoring Ch. 17: Blood Product Administration Ch. 18: Bone Marrow Aspiration Ch. 19: Breast Milk: Handling and Storage of Expressed Human Milk Ch. 20: Cardiopulmonary Monitoring Ch. 21: Cardiopulmonary Rescucitation Ch. 22: Cast Care Ch. 8: Advance Directives Ch. 9: Aerosol Treatments Ch. 10: Apnea Monitors Ch. 11: Bathing the Infant

Maternity • Pediatrics

. . . Abridged to fit

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