Nursing Catalogue 2016


Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology, Tenth Edition, International Edition Susan M. Ford, MN, RN, CNE 978-1-4511-8895-0 • October 2013 • Softbound • 8.375” x 10.875” • 720 pp. • 105 Illus • 100Tables 978-1-4511-8671-0 • North American Edition: Available in US, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands only

Prepare for your future career and success on the NCLEX ® with the only pharmacology textbook truly written for the LPN/LVN student, Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology . This proven book will help you every step of the way to master one of the most challenging content areas in the LPN/LVN curriculum. Organized by body system, the book provides a clear, concise introduction to pharmacology, focusing on basic principles and the nurse’s responsibility in drug administration. Features • Focus students’ reading and enhance their mastery of course concepts through chapter-opening Learning Objectives , Key Terms , and Drug Class lists that identify potential errors and safety concerns. • Help your students identify drug contraindications, precautions, and interactions through The Nursing Process framework that presents care of the patient as it relates to the drug and drug regimen, as well as Checklists of Relevant Nursing Diagnoses . • Help your students master important patient care concepts with Pharmacology in Practice case studies that focus on assessment, administration, or teaching issues that have an impact on a real-life patient. Chapter-ending Think Critically questions return to the patient in the case study and ask students to explore options and make clinical judgments related to the administration of drugs. • Prepare your students to identify urgent nursing actions that may be required when managing a patient receiving a specific drug or drug category through Nursing Alerts . • Prepare your students for NCLEX ® success with Build Your Knowledge (Information and fact-based questions that get students warmed up), Apply Your Knowledge (questions keyed to the actual NCLEX-PN ® test plan), and Prepare for the NCLEX ® (questions structured like those on the NCLEX ® exam). • Prepare your students for their future careers with vital tools, including a Drug Interaction Table that provides at-a-glance information about the likelihood of a patient problem when multiple drugs are given and Summary Drug Tables that list drugs from the classes discussed in each chapter, including names, uses, frequent adverse reactions, and general dosing information.

Licensed Practical / Vocational Nursing

Table of Contents UNIT I: Nursing Foundation of Clinical Pharmacology Ch. 1: General Principles of Pharmacology Ch. 2: Administration of Drugs Ch. 3: Making Drug Dosing Safer Ch. 4: The Nursing Process Ch. 5: Patient and Family Teaching UNIT II: Drugs Used to Fight Infections Ch. 6: Antibacterial Drugs - Sulfonamides Ch.7: Antibacterial Drugs That Disrupt the Cell Wall Ch. 8: Antibacterial Drugs That Interfere with Protein Synthesis Ch. 9: Antibacterial Drugs That Interfere with DNA/RNA Synthesis Ch. 10: Antitubercular Drugs Ch. 11: Antiviral Drugs Ch. 12: Antifungal and Antiparasitic Drugs UNIT III: Drugs Used to Manage Pain UNIT IV: Drugs That Affect the Central Nervous System UNITV: Drugs That Affect the Peripheral Nervous System UNITVI: Drugs That Affect the Neuromuscular System UNITVII: Drugs That Affect the Respiratory System UNITVIII: Drugs That Affect the Cardiovascular System UNIT IX: Drugs That Affect the Gastrointestinal System UNIT XI: Drugs That Affect the Urinary System UNIT XII: Drugs That Affect the Immune System UNIT XIII: Drug That Affect Other Body Systems Appendix

Study Guide for Roach’s Introductory Clinical Pharmacology Susan M. Ford, MN, RN, CNE 978-1-4511-9039-7 •September2013 •Softbound •8.375”x10.875”

…Abridged to fit

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